Chp24: Revenge?

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NOTE: Sum ppl want to see randhir's reactions (present one) they want to know what rd thinks about all this etc
have patience rd's special pov will be given after flashback ends❤


"Told you before too sanyukta is not that innocent that she shows
see now she knows you like parth but then too now she behind parth!!!
few days back she was behind randhir but he didn't gavr her that much attention so she left him
she is damn cunning
she also trapped poor rehaan also in this played with his feelings
m happy you distanced yourself from her" vishad started feeling vids mind with nonsense things about sanyukta

vids glared him "listen m not stupid okay so don't play this dirty game with me"
"dirty game?
m juz trying to help you
but if you think like this then I pity you
soon you will get to see her true colors if you didn't stop her now" vishad shrugged

Vids got more confused by his words
can it be true?
sanyukta shows innocent but she is not in real?
but she is her good friend why would she do that?
no it's not possible!!

"No sanyukta can't do this" vids glared rehaan
"she can
afterall you cheated her
you left her for shweta
she trusted you alot but then you ditched her
may be she taking revenge by doing this" vishad manipulated her more

may be he is right
she can do that to take revenge from her!!!
she got angry by this thought
"If this is her revenge then I won't let her to do that"
"yeah go for it
m sure right now also she must be with parth flirting shamelessly" vishad smirked

vids went in search of sanyukta
she decided to teach her good lesson

Sanyukta & parth were laughing on randhir while randhir was making faces
vids took angry steps towards sanyukta...
"sanyukta" she screamed in anger
sanyukta flinched back in fear "what happ..ened??" she stammered
"Ohh m so innocent trick again
but plzz this time it won't work
coz I can clearly see what you are trying to do" vids was being rude
"What are you talking about?
vids calm down" sanyukta tried to calm her
"juz shutup" vids screamed scaring sanyukta

Parth got angry by the way vids was treating her "Vidushi calm down what are you doing?
you can't shout like this on sanyukta"
Randhir too interrupted "ya don't create a scene it must be some small misunderstanding go & solve in personal
no need to overreact"

Vids got more angry coz they both took sanyukta's side..
"Listen you don't know how is she so juz keep your mouth shut"

"vids why are you talking like this?
what's the problem?" sanyukta asked in confusion

you are my big problem
& I need to solve this problem
& I know how to do that" vids grabbed her hand & pulled her

"where are you taking me?
atleast tell me what's wrong?" sanyukta asked her again

"Vidushi where are you going?" parth asked
"it's between two bestfriends you stay away" vids snapped at him & dragged sanyukta with her


Thnku ^_^

Okay this is the first twist of the story😂
& you will see the consequences in nxt chapter

from now on story will speed up
so be ready..

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