Chp28: I hate boys

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"Now why are you crying?" he asked
"Why should I tell you?
you didn't answer my question so now don't expect from me too" she sniffed
he rolled his eyes
now tell me"
"you answer my question first then i'll answer yours"
"Fine I don't want to know
go your bodyguard is searching for you"
"see topic changed!!" she frowned on which he gave her attitude & left

"what the hell..!!!
what does he think of himself?
whenever he wants he behaves nice or else shows attitude!!!
arghh..." she stormed her foot & went to alia

"I hate boys" she announced
alia looked at her in confusion "huh?"
"I hate boys..
I hate hate hate boys" she screamed
"Chill its okay if you are interested in girls no need to overreact" alia chuckled
"M serious"
"ohh..then stay away from me plzz
m straight"
"Hahaa..okay what happened?"
She made a cry baby face
"why boys are so confusing?"
"I don't know"
"& ppl blame that girls are only confusing
huh.. that's not true"
he behaves so nice with me sometimes & then nxt moment he gives me attitude
on one side he helps me & other side he won't tell why he did that?
he gets jealous okay but won't accept
he gets worried for me he nags you for all info about me but won't show that to me!!!
now what should I conclude from all this???" she asked in frustration
ppl may not always tell how they feel about you
but they will show you
pay attention to der antics" alia smiled
"Either you are ssly dumb or you pretend"
"ohh yeah m dumb
& you guys are smart
that randhir comes & order me
that vids comes & say whatever she wants
that parth & rehaan they are too good that sometimes I don't understand are they for real?
& about you? no comments" she frowned & crossed her arms
" innocent baby I love you" alia hugged her

"Do your lesbo antics at home
not here plzz" came randhir's mocking voice
as he & parth took der respective places behind alia & sanyukta

"you don't be jealous" alia winked at him
"Why would be I jealous?
der are many girls running after me
you know yesterday also one girl proposed me" he smirked
sanyukta rolled her eyes
"ya ya whatever m not interested" alia chipped

he leaned forward between alia & sanyukta & pretended to pick his pen
"juz saying" he whispered near sanyukta's ear
sanyukta moved back quickly as she got goosebumps all over her skin by der sudden proximity
he smirked & leaned back to his place
while sanyukta blinked wondering what juz happened?

& soon der teacher came & started the class..
sanyukta was still in daze
alia poked her "come out of your dreamland"
"m not dreaming" she retorted
"Yeah I can see that"
"Tell me one thing why was he telling us that all girls are behind him
yesterday one girl proposed him blah blah" sanyukta asked in curiosity
"god sanyukta why are you so innocent?" alia slapped her own forehead
"aaree duffer
he was giving you hint that all girls are behind him!!!
you should make your move fast orelse you will lose your chance"
sanyukta's jaw dropped by listening to her words
randhir ssly meant this?
but few mins back he was showing attitude to her!!!
I hate boys
she concluded


Thnku ^_^

okay listen after two more parts i'll directly jump to 10th std😛

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