Chp8- Are you listening?

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Note: N not going to include present scenes coz most of the story is in past only!! I dont know abt u but adding present scenes will confuse me for sure😂
when 50% of the story will get completed i'll think of adding present scenes


"Vids I think you were right about rehaan
before you came he was staring at me like a mad
that was so irritating
I mean why do guys stare at girls?
& why girls find it beautiful?
it makes you feel uncomfortable that's it nothing more" sanyukta frowned
m always right
& about staring
girls find it beautiful when the guy they like stares at them not any random guy
& about rehaan staring at you makes you uncomfortable coz you don't like him
when you will fall in love that time you will understand this stare game" vids winked at her
but you think I should talk to rehaan about it?" she asked innocently
"what will you talk?
hi plz don't stare at me? hahaa" vids laughed
"god sanyu you are so innocent
comeon its common you will get use to it" vids syouugged
"Hmmm..hope so" she was not that satisfied with vid's answer

"Okay i'll see you after break m joining shweta & her frnz for break" vids left
her alone

she is leaving me alone for them?
& she didn't even ask me whether i'll be okay alone or not?
I can't even stop her
why would she stop herself from enjoying for me?" sanyukta sighed sadly & started eating her tiffin alone
she looked around all were enjoying with der frnz & look at her
so boring
why can't she enjoy like normal ppl?

"Your bff left you alone?" randhir came & snatched her tiffin
"Hey" she scowled & tried to get her tiffin back but he pulled it more far from her
"Randhir" she stoodup
"Sanyukta" he chuckled & he held her tiffin high as she was short than me it was impossible for her to get it back
"Give my tiffin back" she frowned
"who has stopped you?
take it" he was purposely teasing her
"Arghh...." she jumped to reach his level but couldn't get it
"take it
come on
here..." he chuckled again

by getting irritated by him
she crossed her arms & looked away
"that's it
tired?" he smirked

she didn't reply

"okay sorry take it" he apologized

Sanyukta looked at him from the corner of her eyes not sure if he is serious or not?
his eyes still hold a naughty glint
that means he is still teasing her

"you don't want?" he asked with puppy face
she pressed her lips together & tried to get the tiffin back
to her surprise he didn't pull it back this time
she sighed with relief & pulled back the tiffin from his hand & was about to move back when he suddenly caught her wrist
she widened her orbs in shock & gulped
the same kind of electricity ran down her spine when the first time his hand accidentally got brushed with her hand
what is this alien feeling?

she could feel her heart racing faster..
she slowly lifted her lashes & looked at him
the way he was staring at her caused butterflies in her stomach
"I won't let you go like this
you need to give my share" he chipped
but she was not at all listening to him
her whole focus was on his eyes & hand

"Are you listening?" he raised his brow
"huhh?" she came out of her dreamland
"never mind" he chuckled & fisted half of the snacks from her tiffin & left

while she was still in daze
wondering what juz happened?


Thnku ^_^

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