Chp38: Flashback ends

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Few months passed by...
everyone got busy in der preparations for the boards
after randhir's question sanyukta mostly avoided randhir & concentrated on her goals as she wanted to prove herself
Randhir also didn't put much efforts afterwards
he & parth continued der drama
& he used to spend half of his time with karan & other half in flirting with other girls!!

day by day new rumors came about him
sanyukta tried to ignore all
but still deep down all the rumors used to hurt her
she was trapped between her goals & her love

anyways der boards are coming up in next month
& today they are having der farewell
farewell is like a reality check for all students that finally der school life is over now
no more "boring classes"
no "morning prayers"
no "fun with friends"
no "recess"
no "scoldings from your teachers"
no "summer vacations"
finally you realise that we were not only having fun in school but actually we were creating memories
beautiful memories
which will be stored in our heart forever
specially "first crush"
First crush is something very special to all of us both emotionally and physically
it touches our heart and changes our life completely

All the students gathered in the auditorium
whole school was decorated beautifully
everyone was dressed in beautiful clothes & were busy clicking pictures

"Where is sanyukta?" alia asked vidushi
"Don't know" vidushi shrugged
"why this girl has to come late today also? I want to see how she looks in saree" alia chipped in excitement
"Now I really have a doubt that you are lesbo" vidushi rolled her eyes
you won't understand"
"girls see sanyukta is here" tiya interrupted them & pointed towards the entrance...
the whole class turned towards the entrance & were shocked
boys basically were staring coz she was looking extremely beautiful in yellow saree
& girls were staring in jealousy
sanyukta got uncomfortable by der stares
god she is not alien stop staring!!!
she frowned mentally

Alia quickly went to her & pulled her inside
"oh my god
see I told you
yellow will make you look gorgeous"
but you forgot to tell me that yellow will also attract unwanted attention from all" she frowned
"oh come on you are looking awesome they all have the right to stare at you" alia chuckled
"Hahaa thanks" she blushed
"you didn't compliment me" alia chipped while flaunting her saree
ambani is really lucky" she chuckled
"Hahaa yes he is" alia smirked

"ohh someone is looking very pretty" rehaan joined them
"that was for me or sanyukta?" alia asked
"don't worry you are also looking okay" rehaan teased her
"so mean" alia frowned & left from der

"rehaan" sanyukta glared him & went after alia
but alia got disappeared in the crowd
& sanyukta got confused
as she was looking for her
someone pulled her in one corner
she was about to scream but stopped as she realised it was randhir

"are you mad?
you scared me" she glared him
he didn't reply anything but kept staring at her
"what? m talking to you"
no reply
okay now she got nervous
why is he staring like that?
"Ran-Randhir" she stammered
as his eyes were having the same look which she noticed last time when he asked does she likes him?
& she ran away that day
not again!!!
she gulped

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