Chp11: You win

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3months later..
Sanyukta was less introvert than before all thanks to alia
Alia was slowly changing her into second alia & sanyukta didn't mind this infact she started enjoying alia's company she was completely crazy!!
With alia's help sanyukta had also learned to answer back whenever Randhir or parth use to tease her she would tease them back leaving them shocked!!
Sandhir always continued der cute banters
where parth was a peacemaker while alia was like a encourager who use to add fuel in fire!!!

In 3months not only alia & sanyu's equation changed but vids & sanyu's equation too changed
they use to talk like normal friends but not more than that alia always tried to keep sanyu away from her making vids jealous
which created more gap between vids & her

If nothing changed then it was randhir's behavior who was always happy in his own way flirting with other girls
& troubling sanyukta was his daily routine
he did noticed the changes between vids & sanyu but didn't interrupt thinking it's girls matter let them solve on der own
& about alia
he & alia didn't go so well
but still coz of sanyukta they both tried to behave normal

"Randhir i'll kill you
give my book back now" sanyukta ran after randhir
"Parth catch" randhir said while throwing the book at parth
guys stop it
give my book back" she frowned & crossed her arms
both parth & randhir chuckled enjoying troubling her
as school hours were over sanyukta was waiting for alia as she had some work at school office
finding sanyukta alone parth & randhir decided to trouble her

"Sanyukta comeon show some strength & take your book back" parth laughed
"oh yeah strength!
wait i'll throw something on your face" she fumed in anger & grabbed the duster
parth widened his orbs in shock
"hey are you mad keep it back"
"no why?
wait i'll show my strength" she smirked
"Sanyukta keept it back baby" randhir tried to lighten her mood
now tell at whom I should attack first you or parth?" she smirked again
while parth & randhir looked at each other & gulped

"What's going on?" came alia voice from back
sanyukta turned back at her & taking the chance randhir snatched the duster away from her hand
"hey" she scowled
"Hahaa..tch tch" Randhir teased her
"Alia tell him to give my book back
this two are eating my head since you left" she complaint

Alia rolled her eyes & sat on teacher's desk..
"You have 10mins get your book back fast we have to leave" she shrugged
& sanyukta's mouth form a perfect 'O'
"you are not helping me?" she asked
"Learn to deal with your probs on your own
your frnd has spoiled you alot"
"hurry up"

Sanyukta twisted her lips & turned back at randhir & parth who were smirking like devils
"Parth" randhir indicated parth to give that book to him & parth followed his order

"come have your book back" randhir winked at her 
& as she stepped one step forward he took one step back...
"why are you doing this?" she frowned & moved ahead
"I love to trouble you that's why" he said shamelessly & moved back until his back touched the wall behind
"Haha now where will you go?" she chuckled & moved further to snatch the book when he held the book higher from her reach "tch tch you should have told your mom to give you more complan" he laughed
"That was not impossible coz your mom bought all the complan packs & stuffed in your mouth" she rolled her eyes
"Hmm alia is a good teacher" he laughed

"oh thanks" alia shouted from her place
sanyukta glared her...
"hurry up 5mins" alia giggled
why are you ppl behind me?" she frowned & tried to get the book but she couldn't
but in this she failed to noticed der proximity
der was hardly any distance between them
der bodies were brushing against each other
she was partially leaning on him
her one hand was placed on his stomach while with her free hand she tried to get the book back
"you are so bad" she made a puppy face & looked at him
& then she realized how close they were standing
she stared directly in his eyes..
she wanted to look away but she couldn't as if der was some magnetic attraction which was not allowing her to pull away
his jet black orbs were so beautiful
for the first time she noticed any guy's eyes from so close
it was something new
der was certain kind of attraction the way he stared back at her caused butterflies in her stomach
vids words rang in her ears
~ girls find staring beautiful when the guy they like stares at them not any random guy

the guy they like?
she likes him?
then why is she loving this stare game?
don't know
she mentally thought

juz then parth coughed to gain der attention
she gulped & immediately moved back..
She was about to turn away from him when he stopped her..
he caught her wrist & made her open her fist & he placed her book on her hand "you win" he whispered & walked away
parth followed him out..

"ahem ahem...
what was that?" alia teased her
"Don't know" she replied in daze
"umm...from the current situation I feel like singing shahrukh's song
~ Ho gaya hai tujhko toh pyaar sajna
lakh karle tu inkar sajna..." alia sang
"eeee...shut up
let's go" sanyukta closed her ears & started walking away..


Thnku ^_^

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