Chp25: Don't talk to me

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What we should do when the person we trusted hurt us twice?
something is wrong with us or them?
we are too good or too bad? that this happens with us!!!
you can't even blame them
coz it's your fault that you trusted them again!!!

When someone judges you
it isn't actually about you
it's about them der insecurities, limitations & needs
that's the reason they hurt you again & again

Sanyukta was sad after what happened in schooled
she avoided going to school for few days by making excuse that she is not well
everyone was confused what happened to her suddenly?
Parth & Randhir were sure this was coz if vids
she must have said something to her
alia tried to ask her what's wrong?
but she juz made excuses
she wanted to stay alone for sometime

what vids said to her that day was beyond imagination
she never thought her own bestfriend has such low thinking about her!!!
after that drama she didn't feel like going to school & face everyone!!
she knew it was not her fault but then too what vids said about her hurt alot

"Sanyukta m asking you again
tell me what happened?
I know you are juz making excuse of not well
so stop this drama & speak up" alia scolded her on phone
"Alia plzz..
don't start again I told you nothing happened"
"what do you mean by don't start again?
I will ask you again & again untill you tell me what happened
I know that mahamaya vidushi did something"
hahaa" she chuckled
"Don't change the topic
tell me"
"Baba nothing happened trust me"
"no I don't trust you coz I know you are lying"
"why are you so stubborn?"
"same to you" alia frowned
"Hahaa..idiot m fine i'll be back soon"
"Ya ya I can see that
you are hiding like a coward
trust me juz tell what that mahamaya said i swear I'll go & kick her"
"That's the reason I don't want to tell you anything"
"okay that means randhir & parth were right vidushi is behind all this?"

sanyukta didn't reply
"Sanyukta fine I promise I won't do anything to her
tell me"
"Alia plzz"
"okay fine don't talk to me then" alia got angry & disconnected the call

sanyukta stared at the phone
great she made alia angry
she is only one who understands & supports her!!
she was juz concerned about her & what she did?
"m sorry alia" she started crying

How long she is going to avoid this
how long she will avoid going to school?
why she is running away if it was not her fault?
what vids said is not true
then why should she punish herself?

she needs to learn der is no point in punishing yourself for other's mistakes!!


Thnku ^_^

what do you think what happened between vids & her?

& now what will happen next?😛

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