3. A Companion

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Hiccup carefully searched through the bags on Toothless' saddle, and, when he was satisfied with the content, he put it all back and closed them with just as much of care and stroke the dragon's black scales. It was almost dawn and he knew that his mission couldn't wait much longer.
"Hiccup?" Astrid entered the Arena while swinging her axe over her shoulder. "What are you doing here? It's getting late and your father wants to have a chat with you."
"One more reason to stay away."
"Hey." The female warrior went closer and petted the Night Fury. "Your plan. You never told me about it."
Hiccup felt the alert ringing into his head. "A plan? No, I can't recollect any... particular... plan. Except for coming here, then."
Astrid put her hands on her hips and gave him a demanding glance. "Hiccup..."
"Alright, alright! You're right. I do have a plan, but it's too dangerous for anyone else to join on. Especially not you."
"Especially not me? Hiccup, no offence, but I can easily strike you and pretty much anybody else we meet down."
The Chief's son turned away, as red as the sunset beyond the stone walls of the Arena. "It's just that... you getting hurt worries me the most. Couldn't you do me that favour? Staying here, safe and sound?"
A few moments went by, while both pretended to tweak with the saddle. The sound of Stormfly, rushing in for Toothless like a happy child who sees its best friend, broke the awkward silence. The Night Fury wasn't late to follow the Deadly Nadder's example, and they soon flew off around the chains above the Arena in a messy hide-and-seek game. 
The Vikings stood up to watch them, side by side. They both enjoyed their dragons' company more than anything. 
And then, as they disappeared around the rocks and cliffs, Astrid answered the question.
"You've tried to pull this off before, Hiccup, and it doesn't work. One day you'll be Chief, and then you'll be able to boss us around as you please. But until then..." Astrid picked out her axe from the holder on her back, careful to show Hiccup its lightening blade while she focused her blue eyes on his freckles, and threw the weapon towards a pile of buckets across the Arena without looking up for a second. The crackle of it breaking into the wood echoed in the dusky space.
Hiccup barely dared lifting his eyes from hers, but knew that her feistiness was directed towards other matters than him. "So... you're coming with me?"
"I'd think that that's rather obvious."
"Okay. Alright. But promise to not have anyone else know... not dad, not Gobber, and definitely not..."
"Missed me?"
Hiccup moaned, recognising the voice. "Please say that I'm hallucinating..."
"You're hallucinating", Snotlout grinned. "And is that why nobody's told The Snotman about this little gathering?"
"No, it's because we didn't want you here", Astrid frankly said, entering her defensive position again.
"It's okay, Astrid. I get it. Now that I'm with Heather, you're obviously seeking a shoulder to cry on. And you probably picked wisely - I mean, Chief's wives are usually rich, right?"
"What...?" Hiccup felt the blushing blossom on his cheeks again. "That's not... we're not..."
He didn't have the chance to finish whatever he was to say, before the blond Viking ran past him, pulled the axe out of the bucket and as quickly placed mentioned axe against Snotlout's throat. He swallowed with surprise, which caused him to feel the sharp blade even closer.
"Do. Not. Say. A. Word. About. That. Ever. Again", Astrid breathed.
"Wow, Astrid, are you upset about something? You seem even madder... I mean, prettier than usual."
Snotlout made a spiteful face. "And if I refuse?"
Hiccup had taken some careful steps towards Astrid, and now slowly loosened her grip on the axe. He breathed out when she finally let go of it. "Snotlout, I really recommend you to leave. Axe or not, she can bring us all to her feet."
Astrid's face confirmed the statement.
"Okay, okay!" Snotlout broke loose. "I'll go, but not because you told me to - I just happen to wish to see the twins myself. Have a chat, drink some mead..." He looked back as he stood at the entrance. "... maybe talk about some plans."
The shadows from the chains above hid some of Astrid's features, but it was still obvious that she boiled out of outrage.
"You muttonheaded..."
"Okay, maybe we shall have a small interruption." Hiccup hastily placed himself between the dark-haired and the blond Viking. "So, Snotlout, you were right. Astrid and I are leaving for a distant ally of Berk in the morning, alone. We are to set up a new treaty that includes dragons. Happy now?"
"Very. Maybe I won't tell the twins and Fishface anyway. Maybe..."


It took several more moments to convince Snotlout that he could under no circumstances whatsoever tell the rest of the Riders about the journey (which to every Jorgenson meant: "Oh, I'll better get started if I'm going to spread the news before dusk.") but eventually, he left.
Though that didn't put Astrid's anger to peace. "That... silly... big... creepy..."
"Astrid? Would you please leave the buckets alone for a moment? Thank you. Now, what do you want to bring?"
"Depends. Where are we going?"
"Eh... have you ever heard about a land called Dun Broch?"
Astrid stabbed her axe into one last bucket and left it there. "Of course, my Mum's from there. But... wait... Hiccup, the Dun Broch clan..."
"They slay dragons, I know. That's why I didn't want to bring anybody else, and not really Toothless either, but what choice do I have?"
"None." Astrid came closer in the darkness, with a deep frown. "And neither do I. You might not get it yet, but we're a team. Where you go, so do I."
"That's... I don't know what to say. Are you sure?"
"No, Hiccup, I'm about to run away from here screaming. Can't you tell?"
"Hey, dry humour is my thing."
"Shut it or you'll get a fist in your face."
Hiccup greeted his newly arrived dragon with a petting, and secretly smiled. "Why so annoyed this evening, milady?"
He was surprised when he didn't get an immediate answer, or, more likely, a fist in the face. The blonde didn't make a sound. "Astrid?"
She still didn't say a word, but stood with a thoughtful frown and hugged her beloved axe in the middle of the Arena.
"I don't understand why you won't tell me the plan", she said. 
"But... I have."
"No, you've told me the destination. Those are two very different things. Don't you trust me enough to tell me what you're going to do? Or are you going to bail on me as you've tried to do before? Because you can be certain about one thing, Haddock, and that's that I won't let you out of my sight until we've reached Dun Broch."
Hiccup tried to find the right words, the words that wouldn't upset his second-in-command even more. For he had no intention of bailing on her. None at all. He was actually really, secretly happy to have her find it all out on her own, despite the risk that would follow her stubbornness. "That's really not necessary, Astrid."
The warrior gazed at him with suspicion. "How come?"
"Because we're leaving right away."

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