27. Double Trouble

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Stoik pulled Tuffnut into a corner the minute they left the throne room and the royal couple. "Not a word about our connections with the hunters", he breathed, "we need to lay low. Seek Hiccup out and tell him to stay away. They can't confront us here - the Scots are too strong - but I will take no risks. Now get going."

For once in his life, Tuffnut Laverne Thorston actually did as he was told at the first request. Well, he gave it his best shot. He didn't plan to run into the triplets on his way out of the castle, and he most certainly didn't plan for them to come along into the woods. Yet, they did, for one should never underestimate the amount of respect an apostel of Loki can feel towards a fellow prankster, nor what they are willing to grant one another.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Berk was penned out on the fields by his cousin. The King did not notice the contempt and displeasure in both him and Eleonore, though, since he was far too busy informing Stoik about the wonders the Grimborns had worked on Dun Broch.

"Their chains are a miracle and the cages... Stoik, I swear, they make the cages of auld look like metal waste melted together!" Fergus pointed at the field dedicated to log-throwing. "They have planted blue orleander all over mi grass. And it's working, Stoik, it really does keep the beasts away."

"Your Majesty is too kind." The voice sneaked up on them as unexpectedly as the body it possessed, but Stoik wasn't the newest Viking in the game. He'd grabbed his axe on the belt minutes ago.

Fergus greeted the 'trappers' with open arms. "Viggo! And Ryker. We are so happy to welcome ya to what in time will be a splendid wedding. Isn't that right, Stoik?" He thumped the stern Stoik on the back. "May I present the Chief of Berk, Stoik the Vast. The father of the groom."

A fragile moment during which Stoik was prepared for both plague and foe went by. Then Viggo, mysterious to the eye and flanked by hunters, bowed elegantly.

"It's an honour, Chief", he said.

"Viggo's trapper party is actually originated in yer part of the Archipelago", Fergus continued. "Are ya certain ya've never met before?"

Viggo grinned a faint grin, digging his unpleasant eyes into Stoik's. "Not that I am aware, Your Majesty."

Stoik reckoned that his heart couldn't beat any faster than it did now, with his enemies so close and the axe to end their days even closer... but he was gravely wrong. A cry pierced the air, loud and distant as a bird's. Everyone looked up out of pure reflex and discovered something that made most their minds slip for a second. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, accompanied by a startled princess Merida of Dun Broch, rode a cerise dragon across the sky.


"Fishlegs! At least try to keep your head straight!"

"I am", Fishlegs insisted. "This dragon just doesn't seem to like me. I'm sorry to say it, but Zipplebacks have always been my least favourite. There it is."

Astrid tried to maintain some sort of course as they passed miles and miles of water. The blue dragon they'd chosen was indeed of the calmer kind, as most Zipplebacks were, but it was unfortunately nevertheless one of the daftest reptiles on the surface of earth. Whenever the Vikings stopped steering it for a while, it became confused and started dropping height.

"We can't keep this up", Astrid said. "We should've passed the island by now."

"I know, but... wait, is that...?" He peered down at an opening in the forest on his side. "Astrid, is that Gobber?"

Astrid immediately looked his way. "What in the name of Valhalla... it is! Come on, boy - down!"

But that was one commando too many for the poor creature, as Fishlegs happened to steer the other head to the side at the same time. The result: a painful clash in freezing morning water. Both swam quickly towards shore at the cost of the Zippleback, which flew up in the air faster than a dragon confronted with eels. They found Gobber surrounded by Grump, Meatlug, Stormfly, Toothless and Barf and Belch.

The blacksmith pointed his hook at them as they approached. "Wasn't expecting to see ya, wee ones. Is everything alright back at the auld house?"

"Viggo and Ryker are here", Astrid said, clinging to Stormfly in a long-awaited hug. "We have to get the dragons back and confront them, Gobber, before everything goes to helheim."

"Already at it, lassie." Gobber made his way up on his one intact leg. "We saw their ships. Snotlout is on his way towards Berk as we speak, but there is a complication. Gothi sent us a Terror Mail saying that hunters have been sighted on their way towards Dragon's Edge."

"They tricked us", Astrid whispered. "Viggo must have known that we would turn to our former allies in the face of his threats, and here they are, playing us where we can't touch them without causing war. It's a hopeless situation. We must surrender while we can."

"Surrender?" Fishlegs said. "But Stoik, Hiccup, the twins... Merida?"

Astrid turned her attention to him. "We won't leave them! We'll just think of a better plan. Viggo can't touch them either without stirring the King's rage", she reminded them.

Gobber chuckled without a trace of joy. "Fergus hasn't got any bit of rage in all his body. He's a man of honour, but not one of war. Remember that I fought alongside him in the past, lassie, and trust me on this."

Fishlegs stared at Toothless, who limped around aimlessly in his search for Hiccup. "So what do we do?"

"I hurt mi leg", Gobber said, "but I can still ride. I say we take our stand here and show those wee cowards what they are up against."

"And what will the others back home do?" Astrid asked.

All of them set eyes on the horizon, where a castle lay hidden behind hills of green. "They will do the same", he replied.

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