16. Stoik's Surprise

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"Pull! But carefully", Gobber ordered. "No, Snotlout, ya're hurting the poor animal! Fishlegs, get the lad out of here."
"So much gratitude for my help", Snotlout muttered, while entering the outside of the glade where the operation was in full action.
Toothless lied down at the grass, quietly moaning from time to time. Fishlegs had placed a piece of wood between his teeth, like they did with Vikings facing grave surgeries, but wasn't sure about what else he could do. Ruff and Tuff took turns in slowly easing the arrow out of the leg. They took their task surprisingly serious and didn't flicker once.
The blacksmith could feel chillier winds approaching from the north. They had done so ever since the morning, when the Night Fury had arrived, and now it was afternoon. It wasn't a good sign - their party was in no way prepared for a summer storm. He tried not to show it to the adolescents, but he anxiously kept an eye on the sky in case the Chief would show up.
"We got it!" the twins screamed in unison. The sharp arrow, which edge was drenched in dragon blood, was lain in Tuffnuts hands. He watched it with awe. "What a weapon! I've never seen arrows this thick! I bet it could just blast through a target easy as... I mean, here it is, Gobber."
"I know that insignia." Gobber said, receiving the object. "It's the Dun Broch clan."
"The ones Hiccup and Astrid are visiting?" Fishlegs asked.
"The ones they're possibly visiting, yes. But I suppose this confirms it." He gave Toothless a look. "And it must mean that they're in trouble."
"Who're in trouble?" a robust voice said. Stoik the Vast landed with his Rumblehorn next to the Buffalord, who seemed to be choking with nervousness. His green eyes flew to the black dragon. "Toothless? Then where is..."
"He's the one in trouble." Ruffnut explained.
"Gobber?" the Chief said in an alarming sound. "Is it true? Why is Toothless here?"
"He showed up this morning, Chief. Alone. And his leg was wounded with an arrow. Hiccup's nowhere to be found."
A dark shadow came over the big man's face. It made him seem older, his wrinkles deeper and his beard grayer. Maybe it was panic. "Then I've made the greatest mistake of my life."


Astrid didn't want to leave the guest quarters. It was, according to her, so far the only place where they knew for sure that they wouldn't be attacked. Yet she kept her axe close at all time. Hiccup was more relaxed, but troubled by guilt and unwilling to leave her alone. They sat basically quiet, side by side, until the door suddenly swung open.
The king's appearance made them both jump. He waved a piece of paper back and forth - the only thing Hiccup could recognize was the Berk insignia on its back. "What is this supposed to be?" he said.
"Sorry... what is what supposed to be?" Hiccup answered.
"This letter from Berk." Fergus continued. He was no man to be angry for long, and it seemed he was now down to being merely upset. "I thought ya came with one purpose only, Hiccup Haddock, to ask for artillery help."
"Well, I did." Hiccup saw Astrid grasp her axe in the corner of his eye. He wished she would wait with it. "I swear, that was the only reason we came here. To plead for you to help us defend our outpost."
"That might be, but ya didn't have to keep yer other intentions secret, lad." He waved the paper again. "Yer father's news are truly breathtaking."
Both of the Vikings stiffened. They shared a common thought, while wondering however they were supposed to get out of the guest quarters freely now. The king seemed friendly, but couldn't be trusted to not swing swiftly. They both knew a dragon hater who were infamous for his mood swings. Hiccup prepared to defend their life choice by all means. "I know it seems unbelievable to you, Fergus, but..."
"But ya're eager to be wed, I see."
"What?" Astrid exclaimed before Hiccup had a chance to do the same. "Hiccup's not marrying... well, anyone!"
Fergus seemed amazed. "The letter says otherwise. Ya mean... didn't ya know, lad?"
"I can with absolute certainty say that I didn't know about anything like this",  Hiccup stammered. "Wait, you're telling me that my father, Stoik the Vast, has proposed to someone in my place? Who?"
"Merida, of course!"
The dragon rider stared at a spot in front of him. "Well, that't just... I'm so sorry, Fergus, I had no idea. Can we just forget that letter ever came? Your daughter doesn't need to know either, she'll just..."
"I can't neglect this, Hiccup", the king said, more formal now. "It's an official wedding proposal sent from a former ally, which means that it's practically an ally treaty. This must be discussed and answered."
"But you won't agree, right?" Hiccup said, desperation in his voice. "I mean, she doesn't want to marry me, and I..." He glanced at Astrid. "I'm not even Chief yet. I can't offer her any position."
"But ya will be Chief, and in not too long. I'm sorry, lad, but consider yerself pre-engaged for now."
With no further ado, the visitor left the room. An aura of deep chock was left behind him. The Vikings stared in front of them, completely silent, until Astrid cleared her throat. "Engaged, huh?"
"Pre-engaged", Hiccup quickly corrected her. "And it won't happen, Astrid, I promise. There is no way I'm marrying Merida."
"But if you're father..."
"I don't know what my father thinks that he's doing. What I do know is, that if this goes through and they're trying to force me... then we'll leave. We'll find help elsewhere."
"And start a war here", she added quietly.
Hiccup caught her eyes and hands with his. "We'll find a way. Okay? Together."
The girl smirked a little, but it was a smirk filled with fear. "Together."

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Thanks in advance // Fish-out-of-Water-5

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