10. Royal Acquintances

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Astrid looked around the room with suspicion. It was built out of stone and almost as large as Berk's Meade Hall, but with the difference that it had three throne seats and a wooden sofa where the Hooligans kept the portraits of the previous Chiefs. Something about it made her feel suffocated.
"Are you alright?" Hiccup asked.
She made a gesture somewhere in between a nod and a shook of her head. "I don't like this. They could be trapping us in here and attack us at any moment."
"Attack us? Two seemingly unarmed adolescents who claims nothing more than a quick talk?"
"We don't know them."
"We know your mum. She's from here, and she has nothing of that violence in her." Hiccup glanced back at Astrid, who actually looked just as frightening without her axe as with it when she was in this mood. "Well, at least she's not that violent."
A few nanoseconds later, the clashing of someone's feet began echoing from the stone floors outside. The Vikings shared a look, both wishing the other a wordless good luck. The doors fell open as a man as impressive in size as Stoik the Vast entered the throne room. He stopped for a moment, curiosity shining through his childishly round eyes, and then found the younglings standing safely near a wall.
All of his energy ran off. "Are mi eyes betraying me... is there a Haddock in mi castle?"
Just behind him in the door came now two other women; one older, with long auburn hair and one no older than the visitors, carrying hair as brightly red as the king's. The queen stopped abruptly at the sight of the children, causing her daughter to crash into her back and curse.
Fergus gazed insecurely at his wife. "Eleanore, how... what should we...?"
Eleanore stepped forward. "Is it correct to assume that ya are the visitors from the north that we'd been informed about?"
Hiccup followed her example and too took a step. "My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Stoik the Vast and future Chief of your former ally, Berk. We've come here on behalf of our people."
"Stoik's lad!" Fergus exclaimed. "Heavens, I haven't seen ya in decades, boy!"
The queen sent her husband a very speaking look, which shut his mouth. Then she turned to the couple again. "What is then yer business here, lad?"
"We've come to ask you for help." Astrid said. "One of our outposts, one of Berk's outpost, is about to be under attack and we have no troops of our own to defend it with."
Merida, who'd up until now had stood confused, sighed. "Finally someone who's being frank! Who're attacking ya? Are they taking use of native dragons?"
All eyes turned to Hiccup. His eyes flickered between them while he lifted his weight from his real to his metal leg. "Well..."
"What have ya done to yer leg, lad?" Eleanore said. Her features now had a much softer sense to them. "Ya look like a warrior worthy of many more years than ya have. Maybe ya really need those troops. Let's have a discussion about it over supper."
Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other, stunned, but followed willingly Maudie to their rooms at the queen's request. She let her eyes accompany them out of the room.
"Mum!" Merida said. "Who were they? Why are we offering them rooms all of the sudden? Didn't they call their land a former ally themselves?"
Eleanore nodded seriously. "Merida, there may be such a thing as former allies, but there are no former relatives. That was the son of Stoik the Vast, yer father's cousin. He's one year yer senior, if I recall it correctly."
"But I think I recognise the lass as well." Fergus said, scratching his head. "Wasn't it... wasn't she a wee bit like that servant girl who moved north many a year ago? Ingrid, was it?"
"It's probably her mother."
"So, what will ya tell them?" Merida said. "Will ya help them?"
She turned to her mother, who for once turned to Fergus in the time for answers. And, equally rarely, he seemed to be completely sure about what to say. "Family is family."


Hiccup walked around the room. It was at least two times his regular one in his father's hut. He could've easily fitted in his entire work desk in the Forge here, as well as his bed and a few yaks. Not that it was needed, because an impossibly large bed already stood their, opposite a grand fire place. He discovered himself staring at the details in the stone that surrounded the logs. How many days would it take him to create something like that?
He turned around, grasping his flaming sword out of reflex. "Oh... hi. Sorry, I was just..."
Astrid nodded. "Overwhelmed. I get it. No kidding in this environment."
"You're not fancying it, then?"
"Who needs this many rooms? I'd never find my way out of here, and it bothers me. Hiccup, what if they were just acting down there? Maybe we made a mistake to come here. I mean, clearly, when they find out we're training the dragons they'll retreat their troops and leave us hanging..."
"Astrid." Hiccup caught her heavily gesturing hands in his grip. "They won't attack us. And, if you want to, we can keep together at all time. No one can bring us both down that quickly."
"You mean... can I stay here with you?" Her eyes flew over the room.
"Why not? There's plenty of space. We can take turns - one sleeps and the other guards. Deal?"
The blonde smiled. "Who's to say that I won't leave you here with your stupid plan and take our dragons home on my own?"
"No, you're way to squeamish for that." Hiccup grimaced when the girl bent his arm the wrong direction, but didn't stop smirking. "Or maybe it was... because we're a team."

Thanks for reading!
Sorry about the delay, I'll try to come up with chapters more often! And also, now having seen season 4 of RTTE (which I absolutely adored) I would like to make clear that this is a story that takes place in between all of the seasons, but definitely before season 4. What did you think of the new season? I'd be interested to hear.
Thanks in advance // Fish-out-of-Water-5

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