31. Several Years Later...

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The castle looked little like it had when the young Berkians first had visited it. Now it seemed more torn and flame-stricken, at the same time as the entire vision of it had gained a sense of excitement that hadn't been there in the past. However, much like the Berkians in question, it was now a tad older and a tad better adjusted to the world in which it found itself.

The party arrived in three wooden boats, all splattered in colour. The one belonging to the Chief hit the harbour first. A tall man stepped overboard, helped his wife do the same and then patted the dragonlike stem. It was shaped like a Night Fury.

"Hiccup!" Three young men hasted to meet up with the visitors.

"Hello there." Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III smiled. "It's been too long. I hardly recognised you guys. Harris, how tall are you now?"

"Taller than Mum", he declared, proud in every inch. "She wants to talk to ya, by the way. She wondered if ya could meet her in the tapestry room once you've settled in?"

"Of course. I'll be just a moment." Hiccup turned around, somewhat anxiously. He easily found Gobber and his mother, the previously long lost Valka, coming out of his own boat, as well as the former Riders of Berk.

"Worried, are you?" Astrid's voice lured him to the backside of a pole which he had overlooked. She had her hair up for the day, braided by Valka in a most creative pattern which complimented her fur coat. "I'm fine, Hiccup. It's months to go."

"But..." The Chief threw a glance at her swollen belly.

"Months. Now let's go meet Merida."

"Sure, I just... Mom? Could you go with Astrid to the throne room? I promised to meet up with Eleonore", he added.

Both Valka and Astrid rolled their eyes, but did his bidding anyway. He followed them with his eyes all the way into the castle yard. He didn't feel like being Chief today. Just being a visitor for once would actually be a relief. Slowly he followed the crowd, Scottish as well as Berkian, into the castle, but eluded from it once it reached the throne room. It was strange really, how after all the years and battles that had passed, he still remembered the exact route to the tapestry room.

The Queen was already there. Or Queen Mother nowadays, he recalled. Except from some grey in her hair and wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, she was much more like herself than he'd expected. After all, he had changed quite a lot.

"Mi dear boy", she said, grabbing his hands gently. "When on earth did ya grow a beard? I'm telling ya, we've let it go to far between our visits. How is everyone?"

"Oh, we're... fine, I guess. Mom's doing alright - she wants to see you later - and Astrid and I... we're expecting our first child." His cheeks flustered with proudness. "But you know what day it is, don't you?"

She lowered her glance in sadness. "Yes. Stoik should have been here."

"And so should Fergus. I'm so sorry for your loss, Eleonore. He will be greatly missed."

The former Queen patted his hand. "I know. But at least he died hunting, as he always wished to. I reckon the two of them are annoying some sheep somewhere else now as we speak. I'm happy that Merida was there, though. She got the say here goodbyes."

"How is she?" Hiccup viewed the part of the tapestry which was brand new. It depicted not one, but two, great red-headed men who stood shoulder to shoulder as equals.

"Ready to be crowned. We're about to miss her if we don't hurry up." The Queen Mother set off to open the door but was beaten to it by Hiccup. "Now tell me about the wee one. Any ideas?"

"Well, Gothi thinks it's a boy and Bucket says that it will rain the day he is born. In other words, we'll see. I'm just sorry that he or she wont grow up the way I did."

"We all miss them", Eleonore said. "Ya brought dragons into our world, lad, and then they disappeared just as quickly. But we'll never regret. Merida was beyond comfort when Cherry went. I didn't know what to tell her."

The throne room was prepared for a feast. Flowers was a rare detail in the Scots' ceremonies, but today, they filled the room. Lots of people stood placed right below the podium with the four thrones, now cleared of all but the largest of them. Merida, dressed in white and with her red hair floating down her back, was kneeling before it. In just a few moment, she would be the first reigning Queen of Dun Broch. Unmarried. Unbound.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Stoik the Vast, Chief of Berk, Dragon Master, tamer of the Night Fury, took a moment to look around the room. There was Gobber, giving Valka a friendly shoulder to lean on; there was Ruffnut and Tuffnut, caught in a constant quarrel on who had the shiniest hair; there was Fishlegs and Snotlout, both strangely taken with the moment; there was Maudie the Maid and her Dingwall champion, hand in hand; there were the new lords Macintosh, Dingwall and MacGuffin, alongside their wives; and there was Astrid, his one and eternal equal-in-command.

He could've had all of this, he realised. The crone that was now put upon Merida's head could've been his. But in between war, loss, battles and farewells, he had realised something else. No matter what was thrown upon them, this right here would always be enough for him. He might have lost his best friend, but he had the memories, and that was more than many were granted. His family and friends would always be the greatest adventure the dragons had offered him.


And so it comes to an end, at last! Thanks to all of you, thanks for every read, vote and comment. I started out this story when RTTE was only just begun, and now we have another movie to look forward to in the near future. This last chapter is my small, unassuming depiction of what Hiccup's life might look like after The Hidden World. Of course, nothing is set in stone until it goes up in theaters. Anyway, thank you again for reading and waiting. It's appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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