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The sun had already set in the silent ocean when the dragons entered the region the majority of them called home. Yet, it was not the tranquil (and sometimes messy) place they knew; this was a mishmash of wooden boats dressed with greenish metal, catapults with flaming ammunitions and cages, lots and lots of dragon-size cages overloading the coastline.

"And what in the devil's name do we do now?" Fergus whispered. "Those cages are resistent to fire, Stoik. I've seen dragons try to get out of them - it's simply impossible."

"We can't lose faith", Merida said. "There must be some way to defeat them. After all, ya have done it before, right?" She sent Hiccup a look.

"We have. But I'm afraid that in Viggo's case, firepower won't work. We need to outwit him, trick him into lowering their defences. And I think I'll know just the way..."


Hiccup's silent predictions proved to be correct. According to his gut, Viggo would like to witness this battle personally and smile at the Berkians' anticipated defeat. So, naturally, he was already present at the Hunters' tent when the Scots were let through the armed forces.

"Your Majesty", Viggo said, mockingly, "how nice of you to join our little exhibition. Here to enjoy the view, are we?"

"Stoik made a wretched mistake letting the beasts in on Berk", Fergus bellowed. "One we can never associate ourselves with. They are no longer connected in any way to us, and we would like for yer services to keep including Dun Broch, Viggo."

Eleonore and Merida kept their stone faces straight and nodded in agreement.

"Is that so?" Viggo said. "Well, then... consider it a done deal. And now, let me offer you dinner. You must be tired after that long ride on dragon back."

"We..." Fergus stuttered.

"They brought us against our firm will", Eleonore said. "We neutralized them as soon as we took ground. They will no longer be a threat of yers."

Viggo watched the Queen for a second, her face dignified and chilly, and then sat down at the table for real. "Let's eat."


"This is so not gonna work", Snotlout muttered.

The riders had found him, Hookfang and the A-Team hiding in his and Tuffnut's not-so-secret cave right upon arrival. Since it was the only part of the island where blue oleander sometimes blossomed, Viggo must have counted on that they would never risk entering that way. However the case, Snotlout was everything but positive. His own little heroic escapade had after all ended up with him and his troop hiding from the approaching hunters while (fruitlessly) trying to come up with a plan. It was not quite the splendid win Snotlout had had in mind.

"Sure it's gonna work", Hiccup assured him. "Fergus, Elenore and Merida are over there right now. Of course Viggo won't believe them, but it will buy us some time. Meanwhile, Snotlout, you, and the A-Team need to start some fires all over the island. Every tree must be aflame to assure that all hunters leave the ships one way or another. If they're loyal to Viggo, that means they'll go ashore. Astrid, Fishlegs, Gobber and the twins will see to that any captured dragon is freed. Gobber, will you and Grump give Fishlegs a ride? Hide Meatlug here until we have some antidote on our hands."

"And what will we do, son?" Stoik said.

"We... we'll surrender ourselves."

"What?" Astrid shook her head violently. "No way, no way, Hiccup. They are too many this time. You won't make it out again."

Hiccup took her hand in his. "This is not a fight, Astrid. It's damage control. Fergus' soldiers will be needed on Berk once Viggo is headed there. For now, the best we can do is buy you some time." He sent an eye to his father, who for once in his life nodded at his son's decision.

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