- Character Development Part 2-

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Lololol, a but late but it's fine rite?
Grammar Nazis must h8 me.

•Kennedi• queenbee554

Kennedi, oh you sinnimon stalk, this girl would be the one with that finds shelter and all the goods. She would be great at salvaging but not with rations. Without distractions, her slaughter skills would be great. They are average. Kennedi on the other hand has 19/20 aim.

Nickname: Ken(Arymakesnicknmeslolol) Kennedi,Kenni(lolol)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapon: Two Machetes, and multiple hand guns and pistols and a rifle.
Survival Skill-: 8/10

Survival Skill-: 8/10

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•Teyah• TeyahLove

Teyah is a smol bean. She would be the one person that you protect with your life. Although, she is very similar to Jamiya. She just... snaps. She'd be a bit... reckless,but she surely can ration the stuff.

Nickname: Teyah
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Weapon: A screwdriver, a baseball bat (Negan style), and a knife
Survival Skill-: 7/10

Nickname: TeyahAge: 13Gender: Female Weapon: A screwdriver, a baseball bat (Negan style), and a knifeSurvival Skill-: 7/10

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•Mikayla• XxOnlyUniquexX

Mikayla is the fabulous one. But at this time, she's not afraid to get down and dirty. She's one for quick missions and salvaging. She's always there to lend a helping hand and will quickly burn all enemies.

Nickname: Mika(By Ary), Mikayra
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Weapon: A crossbow and a steel bo staff
Survival skill: 5/10

Nickname: Mika(By Ary), MikayraAge: 13Gender: Female Weapon: A crossbow and a steel bo staffSurvival skill: 5/10

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•Makayla• ChemicalMickey

Mamakayla here is the protective one with trust issues. She may give newer recruits a hard time since she doesn't know them well. She really would just want to protect her squad from danger. She also would salvage animals for food when it is desperately needed. She also is good at finding water and medicine.

Nickname: Maka, Mamakayla (Ary made), Mikayra
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Weapon: A flail, and a AK-47
Survival Skill: 7/10

Nickname: Maka, Mamakayla (Ary made), MikayraAge: 13Gender: FemaleWeapon: A flail, and a AK-47Survival Skill: 7/10

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•Jada• stonejade57

I dunno... she'd live for a while...

Nickname: Jada
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Weapon: A pata(a sword) and push Daggers
Survival Skill- 4/10

Nickname: JadaAge: 13Gender: Female Weapon: A pata(a sword) and push DaggersSurvival Skill- 4/10

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I just noticed, children with guns...


Btw, I'm not being mean to Jada...I just dunno much about her...or maybe I am being a troll

Lolololololoolololol lolololololoolololol lolol!lolo

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