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A/N- I decided that in this, none of us will have siblings. That would be to heartbreaking for me to write since I have a lot of siblings, and I would hate to see most of them die viciously.

What I had just seen was, terrorizing. I'll never forget it, and I will never understand. My friend almost attacked, one is a murderer, and I just watched several of my PE classmates get torn limb from limb and eaten. I don't know what's worst at this point. All I know is that we have to get out of here. I have to get out of here. I continue to pull my friends who eventually shift and follow. It's not considered ditching if it's life or death right.

"Get back here young ladies!" Ms.Doughvinchi demanded, but gladly, we continued to leave.Once we were all out the door and trying to find out what to do, several pail and dried up people had ran into the classroom we were just in. They attacked every single life source in the room. Ary, Raira, and Kara had grabbed us by our forearms and pulled us along as they were all running.

"Wait. Where are we going?" Teyah had asked looking utterly confused and scared. Ary had looked at us all coldly and seriously, no sign of any of her optimism left in her now dark brown eyes.

"We're going to a place where we can survive. I'm not risking shit. We're gonna need some necessities to live. We can't just survive off of pens and phones." She stated unfazed. Rai nodded as she continued explaining.

"If you didn't catch the jist, it's the apocalypse. We're gonna need food, weapons and a temporary safehouse." Then Kara joined in with the same expression as the other two.

"And we happen to know just the right place." She said pushing hair out of her face. The three of the smirked at each other as Kennedi,Teyah, Jamiya, Mika, Miya, and I exchanged worried glances. Uh oh. They continued to pull us until we got to what I hope is the place. It honestly wasn't far from the school at all. Maybe a bike ride away. A weapon shop that looks sacred and Target. The only problem was, there were dozens of those...things all around.

We ducked by a car to hide while we had though of a plan. Jamiya had looked in the car window. It was unlocked and the keys were inside. Just our luck. Silently, each of us began creeping into the car. That was until I noticed my phone was missing. I'm not going anywhere without it. I refuse. I stalked with my eyes a bit until I found it. Only a few large steps away. "Jada come on." Mamakayla says reaching out for me. I swat her hand away any lunged out towards my baby. Once I had picked it up, it rang. Damnit luck, you've just ran out. It caught the attention of multiple lifeless things. They all came towards me.

I begin to run as fast as I can to the car, but I feel like I'm getting farther away. My legs, they aren't moving. Am I to sacred? Am I supposed to die? Please lord no. My right leg begins to move. Is this hope? A sudden sharp pain jolts through my body starting from my leg. My neck begins to move, I could see myself being bitten by a corpse. The same pain sounded in my neck, my blood had gushed out of me before my eye. One eye had been gouged out, I could feel my uterus and intestines being pulled out. Everything becomes a blur, and I can hear the muffled sound of my friends cries and yells. The only available action. Is to scream, so I do.

I just watched. I couldn't do anything. Nothing at all. So the least I can do at this point it save the rest of us. "Close the door." I demand. Makayla had obeyed my orders and closed the car door.

"Do you know how to drive?" Kara asked.

"No, but right now it's ride or die."

"Nice pun." Ary commented from beside me nonchalantly.

"More like die or die." Mikayla commented.

"Hold on tight." I say cranking the car. Soon we were speeding and swerving. Hitting zombies along the way, eventually driving straight on. There was a small clearing, and I could see the entrance to Target. I have an idea. I steer the car towards the entrance and drive at old lady pace. As I hoped, the door actually opened. As the door closed behind us, the car ran out of gas. Well then. We all piled out of the car.

"Honey, I'm home!~"

Death in the book oh yush...
I'm so mean I know
I mean, I am half of the evil duo
Shit do you expect???

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