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I can't. I cannot. I will not obey orders. Not by somebody like him. Not from anybody! I refuse. I refuse to deal with the bull shit, the orders, the demands, the deals, all these stupid rules. I should be in charge. I should be the boss, the ruler, the superior. I am the better god. I'll show them. I'll show them all what I'm made of. They'll beg me for mercy. They'll all worship me, all of them! I just, I just need to prove myself. I should, I will, I will prove my worth!

"All the dead rise. Now is your time to live again. Rise my minions, rise to the challenge. Be free my disciples. The human species is to Zeus. The living dead is to me. I wish to rule part of that society. Actually, I want to rule, everything. Go my people, leave this place and join the above world."

× Kara×
I sigh, another school day. Another thirty something minutes surrounded by people who don't know when to shut their traps. It was the end of the day, and I get to finally go to the one period that was worth it. Art, choir and band. Our school had combined all the art programs  together to save money. We share the same room and when we finish our work or practice we can socialize with the others. This period was so worth it because all my best friends are in that period. Ken, Maka, Teyah, and I are in the musical arts ,and Ary, Rai, Miya, and Mika are in the visual arts. No wonder why this is one of the only satisfying times of the day. Besides after school and weekends.

When I actually finally got to the room, I was greeted by a pen slapping the bridge of my nose. "What took you so long? We've been here since...before you!" I look at the short creature who was terrorizing me, of course it was Ary. I rub my hand against the most likely to be bruised spot.

"Geez child, your violence was not needed! I was walking, and I'm still three minutes early for class. Why you so feisty!" I  complain sarcastically. The elf chuckles darkly and pulls me all the way into the room.

"Guys~ I found a wild Karamander!" Arycia announcement childishly. Where do we even find these small people who can be so innocent from a distance,but so thug like and evil acquainted? Besides in anime. The squad then looks up and almost in sync say.

"Gotta catch 'em all."

"In this corner we have an Rairachu, a Arysaur, a Mikapie, and a Jamander. In the other corner, we  have a Makapie, a Karamander, a Kenvee, and a Teyasaur.Ready and go!''

A couple minutes into our constant fangirling, there was this highly, alarming sound. It was a call for help, followed by the sound of glass breaking. The eight of us exchanged flustered glances with hint of worry. Our friend Jada, oh I forgot all about Jada, ran into the room. The was breathing heavily and her arm was covered in a crimson substance.

"Jada, what happened?" Mikayla had asked her, attempting to pull her over, but Jada wouldn't budge and kept pointing at the emergency exit. She was hyperventilating and shaking her head.

"No. No. We have to go. We have to go Now." J declared, pulling Mikayla towards the exit.

"Why? What was that sound? What ha-" Kennedi was cut off by her arm being grasped by a lifeless looking Mrs. Phrost, the band conductor. She seemed to be trying to feast upon Kennedi, but suddenly Ary had lunged at the teacher shoving one of her pens deep into the center of the now officially dead teacher. Rai had pulled Ken close to her, checking for injuries. Ary's sudden aggressive action seemed to have gotten the attention of more than just us. The whole class, the art and choir teachers, just starting in horror.

"Arycia! What did you jus-" Ms. Doughvinchi, the choir conductor had been cut off by the muffled voice of the PA system and multiple alarms going off with warnings. We all looked at our phones to each see the same thing.

'Strange people crowd the city, cannibalizing each person in sight. Find shelter.'

"What in the actual hell?"

What the heck? Why stop? This was short.
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QotD: Does Jumin Han is gay?!?!

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