
25 5 9

"Nice to meet you."


Well, it looks like we've found people. Just like our 'commander' told us to. Yay. These people look so young, but I can't say much about that. Jesus Christ some of them are tall. Oh wait, that one's short. Ha. Oh wait she glared. Oh well, there goes my chances at making a friend, but who needs 'em anyway. Note to self: Don't check out the new-acquaintances.

I hold my hand out, hoping for a handshake, and I no doubt got that...six at a time. Wtf. Why these people look like they're depressed and stoics. That must've been super freaking judgemental. Oops I did it again. No, don't go bursting into song. Ew. Seriously what is wrong with me. Okay okay, reality check. "Your car there doesn't look too damaged. Looks manageable. We could take you to our small civilization. It's totally civilized and all. I insist." My words came out more sarcastic that I had expected.

The tallest one looked at me strangely. "Well, we kinda just met and you already wanna take us home. Well then. At least take us out to dinner first" My mouth opened agape. Oml.

"T-that's not what I...That's not what I meant." I facepalm at my stutter. And the previous statements of course. They all begin to snicker, even my own co-worker. Ugh, I need a comeback. "But, sure baby girl. I'll take you all around town and have you for dinner and desert. Just like all the zombies because girl I can't get over how delicious you look." Wait what did I just say. Oh no no no no no.

The midget with the eye patch holds their index finger up to her bottom lip, supporting their chin as if pondering. "That's kinda gay. I like this person. They're cool in my book." The second to shortest one nods.

"Yee. I think we should let her take a ride on our big green tractor. We can go slow, or we can go faster 'round town ya'know." The two tallest ones facepalm, shaking their heads.

"Please, no, stop Makayla. That was horrible. No." The gal with the longest hair looks at her in utterly playful disapproval.

"C'mon lets go before that horde over there reaches us."




And with that we made our way to our safe house. In the slightly damage car might I add.


When I was. A young boi. My father. Took me into the city. To see the marching band. He said son when. You grow up. Will you be the savior. Of the broken, the beaten ant the damned. He said, will you defeat them. Your demons, and all the non-believers. The plans that they have made. Because one day. I'll leave you. A phantom to lead you in the summer. To join the black parade-

Oh, are we moving now? Oooh, look at those zombies. I hope we don't find a Negan...or do I.

My eye hurts. Its pulsating again. Smells of blood, that's an upside.

Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me down those stairs is where I'll be hiding all my problems. Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out.My friends and I, we got a lot of problems. You know where I'm coming from. Though I am running to you. All our feelings deny, deny, denial, oh. I wanted to be a better brother, better son. Wanted to be a better adversary to the evil I have done. I have none to show to the one I love-

Oh, the car stopped.

Haha, my mind is weird. Did any of you readers expect me to be cold and stoic lol. No. I'm dead inside so this happens.

Hush now Ary no. 6.

No thanks Ary no. 9

Both of you shut up please.

No. Go to your emo corner ary no. 666


Get out of the car like the normies!

Oh. I take one step for shorties kind. One small step for the smol.

Look a turtle!

That's a zombie no. 420...


Anyways... I step out of the car, looking at the setup. It was okay, located in a slightly secluded space. That dude...chick...person...Audrey. They head over to a house, there were at least six houses. They walked up to one in the center right. They knocked, and eventually there was visible brown hair. I began to zone out, it looked so familiar. The next thing I know, they're right in front of us. All I hear is ringing, and a faded calling of multiple names.




Oh hi, author here.

Uh, It took another while to update heh.

We have a couple new characters popping on in.

Uh yeah. Heheh

Olivia- fireflyash /


mkay, see ya next update. No death here lol.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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