
31 4 16

I am sorry...I did not help

The odd creature had threw a shelf at us, but it slammed down right beside us. We were lucky. Ary had began to tug me up, helping me to my feet. Why am I so clumsy? She had handed me a crossbow and these small knife things that looked weird, and begun to crouch around the shelf. She held her arm out, signaling me to stop. "Why-" Shhh... she turned slightly holding her finger to her lips. She looked back over the side, nodded, and grabbed my arm. She pulled me up and began to charge toward the car.

The large creature had ran at us, the two of us trying to remain balanced. Me being clumsy, and Ary with concentration and balance, I began to lean, her pulling my to stay up. I looked at the car seeing my friends waving us over, not paying attention to anything else. I didn't notice anything, but the feeling of determination. I then saw my friends pointing behind me, and Ary looking back, her eye widening, holding her breath, and running faster. I looked back to see the giant zombie throwing the weaker ones around, then picking the shelf up again, and lunging it at us. I gasped, turning to see if I could run any faster. I couldn't, my legs felt weak, I was gonna collapse. The car wasn't far, only a few footsteps away, but it seemed like it was two universes away. I felt something piercing my back, warm liquid following the wound.

I fell, I couldn't feel my lower half, I felt like there was something on top if me. I attempted to look around, but I could only look in front of me. Ary please. She quickly squared down trying to pry the steel shelf of on by back, me wincing at the pain of my sensitive spine being scrapped and scratched by the rapid movement. She had began to get the hang of moving the shelf, until the huge zombie had stepped on the shelf. It's weight causing the metal to press deeper, the muscles of my lower back officially torn apart. The sound of bullets and metal whipping was faded, the corners of my eyes beginning to fog away.

I felt a slight release of pressure in my wound. A pale and huge figure falling to my side, a black liquid oozing from several holes and cuts,and a small loud falling beside it. It's head probably. I try to chuckle, only to cough up the red substance that tasted of iron. This action catching the attention of multiple walkers and the friend that was trying to free me. She successfully pushed the shelf of of me, it seemingly breaking. The sound of gunshots and walkers falling dead being distant, my eye sight fading even quicker. Ary stared at my body after freeing me, her eye wide and a small gasp escaping from her lips. A single tear sliding down her cheek as she shook her head and reached for my elongated arm. I could feel nothing, nothing at all.

She had lifted my body and turned it towards the scene that was behind me. It was my own lower half. I could see both my small and large intestine spread in the floor, blood spewing out in many directions. My pelvis was hanging out of my lip, and my legs bent oh so uncomfortably. Ary had gripped my torso tightly and began to pull me along with her. What was she doing? She can't save me now. I'm already worth death. Taking a half body like me would benefit by nothing. If anything it would be worst. "S-Stop" I choked out, my vocal chords weak and dying, just like me at this point, heh. She looked at me, trying to make eye contact. Her eye flooded with tears, blood mixed with tears beginning to trickle from her eye patch. Stop crying please. I'm not worth it. It's not worth it. I'm just a corpse, a zombie, a nothing. Just barely flesh, bones, and muscle. "It's not worth it, just leave me and go. I can't feel shit. I can't see shit. I'm a corpse, and I can't do shit. If you leave me, I can distract those zombies. Just promise me you'll live." I had managed to say shakily. She shook her head rapidly, causing tears to fall on my face. Ew. She attempted to continue to pull me, but I pulled my arm away. She looked at me, looking weak and vulnerable. "I'm, I'm so sorry that I could not save you on time." She whispered, voice cracking, only audible to me. She hugged me, it was the only thing I could actually feel, an it made this worth it. She had let go and stumbled back as multiple walkers came over feasting upon me.

Her feet and footsteps faint, and the groans of the living dead barely audible. My eyes rolled downwards without consciousness, only to be met with the sight of my organs being thrown about. Multiple teethmarks deep in the muscles, and multiple ribs being gnawed on. A green, acidic liquid burning the walkers, them falling dead. A large, bloated zombie had limped over, feasting independently, until a female zombie that looked like it was a drug attic came along. This was it, everything went black. I believe that I could hear the sound of a car door being opened and closed. The vehicle being cranked and speeding off. I smiled at the thought. I think this is death. Heh, sorry Ary, beat ya' to it.

At that moment, everything was just a distant past. A previous life. The best one I could have possibly had.

Guys I think I cried.
I'm in my feels,
I killed one of my closest friends
Jada was easy,
Buy this was different
I'm sorry friend
QotD: Favorite character so far???
°^°~ Dang it I wanted to die.

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