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"Honey I'm home!~" Kennedi announced as we all got out of the car.

Wow. It was pretty vacant in here. I guess that's good. We should probably-

"We need no block every window and door. We're currently not prepared for those walkers." Teyah had stated boldly. That's what I was thinking,but okay. We had all looked for things to border any places that seemed like a zombie could enter through. And soon enough, most of the furniture was bordering the walls. We still had enough furniture out for us to sit and relax for a bit. I decided to walk around a bit, borrow a couple snacks and clothes. As I walk by the Asian isle, I see the evil duo, Ary and Rai, stocking up on pocky. They seemed to have taken all the Oreos already stuffed in multiple grocery bags. Now it's the same with every candy and the pocky. "How are we gonna carry all that?" Oops, I said that out loud.

The two looked at me then exchanged glances. The took everything out of the bags and began to open every package and dump their contents into their own bags. All the candy in one, Oreos in another, Poptarts and protein bars in one ,and the pocky in its own bag too. And also one for the canned goods. Kara comes over with two tote bags. One for the food, and the other for who knows what.

We had just recently looted the clothing sections and the medical sections, and ended up with four tote bags. I still don't know what the last one is for though. I ended up walking around, casually looking at all the junk here. I had grabbed eight backpacks, one for each member. They each looked different except for two that had the words Free on them. I knew a certain pair of friends would love them. I  saw the group sitting around in conversation. I walked over in consciousness to join them. "So any volunteers to go over to the weapon shop next door?" Mika had asked. At first it was silent and awkward.

"Ugh, I'll go." Our favorite elf twink stated as she got up. Rai's face contorted to discomfort as if she wasn't so sure. Ary had walked over to the silverware, and grabbed several knives and a...spoon? She grabbed the empty tote bag from Kara ,and she walked towards the only exit that we did not block and was out of sight.

"So nobody is going to go with her to make sure she doesn't die?" Raira asked.

"Well, Ary is a strong young lady, she can survive on her own." Teyah stated.

"You'll never know. She might not be able to hold it down by herself. S-"

"Rai, don't get so up-"

"Don't Rai me. You just let one of your best friends walk out into danger. DO YOU WANT HER TO END UP LIKE JADA? WHAT TYPE OF FRIENDS A-"

"Rai, we understand how you're feeling.You can't be the evil short and tall friend without her. It won't be the same for any of us really." I paused"You should go."

"Fine. I will"

And like that, Raira had been out the door to find our short best friend.

I don't know what it would be like without the small and aggressive friend either, so I begin to walk over to the door too. That was until there was this ear splitting shriek and a loud roar. The soft silence we once had was ruined. Things were beginning to shake and we didn't know what was happening.

Another shriek was heard followed by the sound of footsteps and several thuds coming from the pharmacy. I peek over the counter.

"Holy Shi-"

It didn't take long to find Ary since you could hear the sound of silver slicing through flesh and the sound of heads being bashed. I had walked over to her small figure and tapped her on her shoulder. "Hai!" I said causing her to jump (666 words) a bit and look at me like I'm the insane one.

"Girl. Careful geez. I have a knife in my hand.'' she complains as she hands me one of her knives. I follow her as she opens the back door to the building. It's fairly dark and looks as if it were a dojo of some sort. There was Korean writing on the wall and several posters. Arycia leads us into a room that has several crates. Most of the crates hold bullets, we found several hand guns and pistols too. There was a spiked black crate in the corner that had the print of a dragons scales as it's exterior.

We both squat beside it and open it. It was loaded with goods. As soon as we began to pack stuff into our bags, the sound of a gun reloading sounded.
"What are you two doing in here?"

"Well shit."

Hey there!
Ary here, with the latest update
Three stories in three days, I'm so proud of myself!!!
I had to fix a couple mistakes
Trivia: What do you think Kennedi saw?
QotD: Do you like 'Left 4 Dead' ?

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