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"Ary? Rai?...is that really you?"

That was the first thing that came to mind at the moment. The two were covered in blood, and had just oh so brutally slaughtered that...thing. What could have happened there in shop for them to come back with such exterior and serious expressions. Makayla had ran over, glomping the two. "I was so worried, that was awesome!" She almost shouted. Ary had simply nodded as Rai began to pull several weapons and harnests out of the duffle bag that lay upon her shoulder. I was about to pick up the weapon that I had preferred, a baseball bat, but was interrupted by a shriek.

"Ary! Your eye, what happened?" Jamiya had lectured worriedly causing Mika to inch over to them quickly. Her putting her hands over her mouth, and ran off into the isles. I looked over and closely examined Ary, then noticed that her left eye was bleeding severely and her cornea had a large gash that led to a deep cut through the pupil. Could she possibly still see through that? Oh Ary... She just shook her head at all of Jamiya's worried questions. Mika had finally came back an eye bandage and eye patch in hand. Bandaging Ary, as though she seemed not to care at all.

"There! Much better." Mika had said clasping her hands together, then onto Ary's blood covered shoulders, shaking her. "Be more careful." she said looking into our friend's well...eye, causing Ary to frown. She is being very different...very anti social. She walked away, putting her hatchets in her guarder belt and her whip thingy in the sword holder on her back. She went to help Ken and Kara fill up the car with gas and any necessities that would be needed to keep it running for a while. They also put all of our tote bags in the car. Anyways it hasn't even been three days, and the environment it already crazed. I grabbed the baseball bat and a pack of nails,and began to hammer them into the bat with the end of a screwdriver.

As soon as I finished with my bat, which I had totally nailed according to Jamiya, there was loud groaning around the front entrance. The sound of hands bashing against the plexiglass. There were loud footsteps that sounded like something huge. Maybe those giant hulk zombies again? I hope not. There was a loud shriek and the sound of something bursting, and I'm pretty sure I heard something barf. Everybody looked towards the door. All thinking the same thing I'm guessing. This is not good. The door began to move, along with the stuff baracading the doors beginning to push forward and fall over, making a more accessible path. Shit. "The car! Get in the car, and hurry!" Maka yelled, causing more abruptness from outside those walls.

Most of us had already gotten close to the car, that was until hands had broke through and grabbed Kara by the arms, ankles, and hair, attempting to pull her out of the building and into the horde. They kept pulling and pulling on her with their strength. She was halfway out, small traced of her body's blood coming out of scratches and cuts. Her screams excruciatingly loud, ear piercing screeches, glass breaking, skin tearing, blood spilling. I closed my eyes and backed up. What am I doing, help your friend. No, she's already about dead, one of them. Bang, one gunshot. Bang, bang, two gunshots. I reopened my eyes seeing Jamiya, Kennedi and Rai shooting at the hands of the walkers. Causing them to drop my brunette friend from their grasps slowly. Ary had ran up, a katana in hand and began to slice at the hands, cutting them with such a graced swing, but a powerful one. The work between the accurate hitting bullets and the loss on hands had worked perfectly.

Kara had fell to the floor, both Mika and Maka helping her up. She smiled at them with a glint of thankfulness in her brown eyes. She and Maka hurriedly got into the car, I followed. The four who were in battle beginning to come over, Mika rushed over too, only to be stopped be the ground shaking g. She had tumbled over by such movement, and struggled to get back up. Suddenly and unexpectedly, there was a huge this against the glass, then the glass breaking and falling in shards. Them hitting Mika and piercing her flesh. Ary, who was the last one to get in the car had rushed over to help Mika. Pulling her up quickly and trying to get her over as soon as possible. Another thud, Mika tumbling over, taking Ary with her, and a gigantic hole being made in the window. The two still struggling to get over, their problem just getting worse.

A huge pale pink thing that looked like it was even more deformed than the hulk runner. Charger? This one was huge. As big as a tank. Tank? It's head was tiny, but it's eyes were bloodthirsty and made that humorous aspect horrifying. It towered over the two as Ary looked right into its piercing irises, and Mika clinging tightly to the midget. The creature ran over towards them, Ary rolling them over instead of trying to get back up with all the ground movement. Zombies cam flooding in, but right now this monstrosity was the true threat. It had pulled a whole shelf from the candle section lifting it and throwing it towards the two as it slammed down against the flooring. My friends out of sight.

I am sorry...I did not help.

I feel like I made Teyah a self-centered coward
Jerk face, but she's the complete opposite.
Do you want to see Ary and Mika dead?
One of them?
How do you feel?
QotD: Fave Left for Dead zombie?

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