Guess who's back and Submit yourselves/ocs

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Um hi lol.

This is Ary sorry for the hiatus lol.

I'm going to get back in the habit of constant updates like I was in the beginning.

And now that I'm back...

I need more characters for the progress of the story line. I could always create my own characters and all, but I thought it would be more fun to have other's characters in here. 

So you can submit yourself of oc lol. All of them will be used guaranteed, although it may be a while until you see yourself/oc. When you appear I'll dedicate the chapter to you so you'll know.

All I need to really know is:

• Name

•Age (optional)

•Gender pronoun

•Send me an outfit if you want, or describe it. 

•Character appearance (Please don't give me that Mary/Gary Sue with shimmery golden locks, Pink eyes that looked like they held a universe in the pupil, and perfect crap, because I can't even with that. Slight things that seem only a bit unrealistic are okay, but don't go overboard. If you do, I'll either confront you and work it out, or drop the subject completely. )


•Who they'd most likely get along with (optional)

•weapon (again no Mary/Gary Sue. Don't go overboard on weapons. Please don't give them powers. Lol. It's okay to use the same weapons as a cannon character too (even my Urumi) and also if you want it would be pleasant if you were to describe your weapon appearance. Not necessarily what it is but details)

•Skills and Survival skill (Lol, this is your capability, don't go overboard here two. I will let you know if you should tone it down a notch ;-;, rate yourself or oc out of ten in survival. (?/10) Lol, and just know even characters with the highest scores can die. I will likely target death in those who give themselves a ten (or more like wtf) Because I am a very messed up thing)

That's all for now. Bye Spoopy Noodles

×Ary out×

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