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"Well shit."

The two of us slowly turn around to see our opponents. Three men and one woman. Two of the men looked as if they were Duck Dynasty wannabees,one looked like an extreme Negan fan, and the lady looked like a Barbie with bad lip injections and failed hair bleaching. She rolled her eyes at us as she roamed her hand from her no hip,to the bottom of her hooker skirt and back up to her chest implants.

I turned my gaze to the short being beside me who slowly turned towards me with a She a hoe look. The guy who seemed to be a sadistic fan, had took long strides over to us with a bone chilling smirk. "Well, well, well - not what, are you two very~ young ladies doing in our territory. " He had blurted as he cocked his eyebrows. We had stood silently and glared. Our actions seemed to anger the group. "Your gonna either leave, tell is, or die." It remained silent.

The men had each pulled out pocketknives, the woman brought out two hatchets. They each began to inch over. Well that was until the sound of a chain rattles and there was the sound of something whipping really fast in the air. Before I could register what happened I noticed the guy with the who was asking us questions with a large red mark on the side of his neck. The bruised slowly began to trickle a beautiful crimson color, and his body fell towards the floor. The thing was when his body hit the floor, his head had disconnected from the rest of his corpse, and as it did that it sprayed the lady with his body's red essence.

I looked over towards my side to see Ary holding a chain blade like whip, it had slight blood stains. That was the second damn time you saved our souls by an attack. Your on point smalls. She was so far the only person who has killed anyone and anything. I'm not gonna let her surpass me. It quickly turn behind me, grabbing the first objects my hands touched. Sickles nice. Taking a single lunge towards the men, effectively piercing a hole in their faces. One of the men had joined the corpse party, while the other was , cupping his right eye, glaring through the other. He threw his knife towards me , but I dodged it. I heard a grunt and the sound of Ary's whip slashing at the man's now red flesh. The bruises soon showed that they were cuts, but he was still like, breathing. The sound of the whip from behind me sounded once more, but this time, it went straight though the middle of the man, sawing him in half. I looked at my friend, whose left eye was slowly and steadily trickling blood. Either she took her glasses of, or they are broken. "If your wondering where my glasses are, they're in my pocket. Can't risk getting blood on them." She said trying to lighten the mood.

I grinned and turned my body to look at the lady."I- I'll give you my hatchets if you let me go."Ary's face brightened as she nodded, snatching the hatchets quickly. I had walked to the crates, looting the weapons quickly. There was a sudden array of what seemed like heels clicking against the floor. Is she- I turn around to see the lady by a bunch of wires and a button, she pushes the button, and cuts the wires. A loud alarm sounds, and I growl. I ran over towards the lady,  the tote still on my back. I lifted my right hand sythes, and shoved it deep into her skill and brain. As soon as it was deep enough, I pulled the sythes out through the front of her face, breaking the skin. I am quickly grabbed and rushed out of the building. Just on time because the building was now being flooded by walkers. I soon catch my footing and run alongside with the elf off the shelf back to out 'safehouse'.

"Holy shit."

Looking over that counter was something I wish I had never done. We're my eyes deceiving me? Was this what we were dealing with now? Why is this creature this way. What I saw could be amazing but also traumatizing. It was, a huge zombie that looked mutated. It had one large hulk like arm and torso, but a small head and one small arm. It was also green, maybe a bit pale. It didn't notice my presence, so it continued to slam down a woman with it's large arm. I held my breath making no sound as I slow made my way back to the group. "Guys there's some type if mutant zombie I'm there." I said lowering my voice. They looked at me then the pharmacy. They each crouched and crept over to the counter. The look on everybody's face was priceless, Mika actually gasped. Wait, she gasped. Damnit. The creature turned our way, stopping play time and dropping the corpse. It had rubbed it's food against the floor in a bull-like way and charged towards us. The counter had broke in half, and we jumped back quickly out of the way of this...charger. It had ran into a shelf as it tumbled to its side. It had gotten back up and got back into its charging state, but this time it aimed for Teyah.

A sound of an alarm could be heard faintly through the walls. Was it coming from next door? The charger then stopped, and ran towards the exit. It had stopped in it's tracks, something had hit it, blood bursted from it's back and waist. It had fell to its knees and then into four parts as it hit the ground splashing the blood pool around it in several places. We all had looked over, to see none other than two figures covered in blood walking around the corpse 's corpse.

Ary? Rai? Is that really you?

Hi hi
Sorry about the late update
I have school lol.
Save me! Wake me up inside!
Lololol My Wattpad was also not letting me updated
So this was late.

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