
17 4 16

I hurriedly pulled Ary into the car as we sped off, out of the store that was once our safe house. The ride was utterly silent beside for the rapid screeching of the tires and multiple walkers being ran over to make a clearing. I had looked around the car, observing everyone's facial expressions, theirs current moods. Everyone seemed to be depressed, I don't blame them. We lost one of our closest peers. Jada's death was something sad, but it wasn't as graphic and saddening as Mika's. And it, it was all... her fault... If Ary would have worked harder and put effort into saving her, she would have still been alive.

I looked over to Ary who was hugging her knees, gently shivering while looking out the window. For now... For now, you are forgiven. I turn back to  JaMiya who was driving, her eyes puffy and focused on the road. Her breathing slightly choppy and her fingers tapping the steering wheel nervously. She had gasped and violently turned the wheel of the car, causing us to all jerk in our places. We ha looked around to see what the problem was, soon enough finding out. There was a steaming liquid on the window of the car, it was green and nasty. I felt nauseous and turned away quickly, headbutting Kennedi who hissed.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" I was cut off by the sound of pounding on the car sides and the groans of the dead. This caused me to shrink back into my seat. It seems like whatever the problem, we weren't going anywhere. I look to the front seat, the driver's to be specific"What the hell happened?" I quickly questioned.

"Um. I don't know. There was some type of RV in the way so I swerved and now we're in this situation. The car shouldn't be messed up, so we s-should be okay." Our driver, JaMiya, replies checking us and shifting slightly with a pained expression. She reached out, whipping some blood from Kara, who had been in the passengers seat. "Everyone okay?"She asked with a slight quiver in her voice. She received multiple head nods and even a couple small "yeahs".

"Are you okay should be the true question." Teyah stated. Jam nodded. The sound of walkers a bit louder, the car shaking a bit.

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's go."She turned to the wheel, grabbing hold of it. As soon as she grabbed hold, a splatter of blood appeared on the window beside Ken. JaMiya began to start up the car, not wanting to know the cause of the splatter. But she was too late.

The sound of slashing and gunshots came from outside of our ride. , kill me now please. No? Okay forget you author. Before we knew it, a hand swiped at the blood on the window, two eyes looking in. By the lively hazel-like hue of the eyes, you could tell. It was not a monster but a human. But what are they doing? The eyes moved away from the glass. More of the person being able to be seen. The light brown bun that was worn for example. She knocked on the window. A muffled "Open the door." Could be heard. 

Everyone stared at the door, all thinking about if we should open the doors or not. This could be a good thing. Or a severely bad idea. JaMiya slowly reached towards the lock and unlock button. Click. She just made a big decision for us, and that decision was to not take any chances with these people.

She had locked the door. The outsider had a scowl spread across their face. A second person emerged from behind the person. The person could have been mistaken for a walker the way that they had snuck up behind the outsider, and how dirty and bloody they were. But by the way they had communicated with the other outsider you could tell that they were associates, and utterly human too...

The newer person, turned towards the door, a glint of annoyance in their brown eyes. I gulped slightly and quietly. They had mouthed the words 'please let us in.' Jamiya being the softie that she is had eventually unlocked the door. The outsiders gently opened the door. "See, it's not that hard." The one with the brown eyes said, a bit of a smile on their face. "I'm Audrey." She paused looking at her partner.

She had rolled her eyes. "And I am Victoria." She looked at us.

"Nice to meet you."

Sorry this is short. This was meant to be posted in January, but it turns out it didn't post like I had thought it did. Lol.
Audrey PuffTheMagicMallow
Victoria PassTheButterBeer

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