SkyBop, Mithross, Redney

271 7 16

I had an idea and for it to work I need Redney, so, here ya go.......

3rd person pov
So, there are about three power couples in every school.

In this school, all three were gay couples.

There are Mikey, Jin, and Ross, who are male cheerleaders with 6 girls on the squad.

There's Mikey's boyfriend John, a promising athlete, and brainiac who wants to continue his career in soccer.

Then Jin's boyfriend Adam, who although is not the smartest, is one of the most athletic and good looking guys in the school.

And last but not least, Ross's boyfriend Max. The bad boy of the school, he's had a promising start in basketball, and has softened a bit after he started dating Ross.

Everything was fine and everyone was happy. Until the day of the accident.

Jin's pov
"Jin! C'mon, we gotta get to the locker room to change!" Ross says, smiling at me. "Calm down a little," Mikey replies.

"It's the last game of the season, let him be crazy," I butt in as we start walking.

"You should be the most excited, Adam's been talking up this game for two weeks!" Ross cheers, skipping around us.

"You guys ready for this?" Mikey asks. This is the hardest routine yet. We did it once at John's soccer game, but messed it up, and at practice, we finally did it.

"I don't know," I mumble. I have the hardest part and could be seriously hurt.

"It'll be fine," Ross answers, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

I nod and we walk into the locker room to change.

There's a rumbling outside as people stomp in the bleachers.
It's our final game and against our rival school.

We step out into the hall and meet with the girls. Alesa, Jess, and Shelby are one trio. Lizzie, Ashley, and MK are the other. They do their thing while we do ours in the middle.

The girls all do cartwheels around us at first while we front flip in. Then we start. Alesa and Jess lift Shelby, Ashley and MK lift Lizzie, and Mikey and Ross lift me.

The lifted ones are thrown into the air, where traditionally, the girls would do one flip while I did two, then we'd land in their arms and they set us down.

We changed it. The girls each do two flips while I do three. The girls would land on their feet, and by that, the throwers would hold out their arms and the one being thrown would land in a stand.

I would land in Mikey and Ross's hands on my hands. The girls would already be doing their next part. I would be let down and do a flip in the air while the other two cartwheeled. We'd land at the same time and it'd be over.

It's scary though. "That's our que!" Jess squeals. We all run through the doors onto our part of the field.

We do our actual cheering routine with the whole GO! thing. But now it's time for the hard part. Me and the guys get in position first while the girls cartwheel, then they set up.

We're all thrown and I start flipping. I start to come back down and realize the girls are doing their next segment.

I land on the other's hands perfectly, thinking it worked, but then hear a sickening snap and I have to bite my lip to stop the scream. I leap backwards and land on my feet.

We have a plan for this. I hand walk to the bleachers while Ross and Mikey fill in.

I sit in agony as the football coach runs over. "What happened, son?" He asks. "I landed wrong, I think I broke my wrist," I reply.

He moves my hand so he can see it and I hear a gasp. I hear running and realize it's the rest of the squad.

"Holy shit!" That was Ross. "Oh God." There's Jess. Then I hear a phone dialing and Alesa starts talking.

"They won't be able to bring the ambulance to the field, we gotta get him to the parking lot," Alesa says, snapping her phone shut. (Flip phone)

Max, who I just noticed was here, picks me up and starts weaving through the crowds. "Where is everyone else?" I ask through the pain. "They're following behind, and John went to get Adam," He replies.

I move my head so I can see my wrist better. I then feel very lightheaded and start to pass out. I hear Adam scream my name right before the darkness consumes me.

Adam's pov
I see Max sprinting across the parking lot. Jin starts to become limp in his arms. I scream his name and start running to them.

I catch up fast, and Max hands him over. I sit on the curb and brush his hair out of his eyes.

I hold him close and kiss his forehead. Max pulls his jacket off and cleans the blood from Jin's arm.

I look down at it to see the bone sticking out of the side and red everywhere.

"Oh my God," I whisper, then look back at his face to see it contorted in pain.

I hug him again and kiss his forehead.

I hear footsteps and turn to see everyone behind us. Mikey sees his wrist and his eyes widen.

He runs off for a moment and John follows. They come back later with Mikey looking pale as hell.

Ross pushes Max over and leans by Jin. He takes the jacket Max was using as a rag and ties it a few inches above his wrist.

He then takes his own jacket and carefully wraps it around the injury, except for where the bone is sticking out.

"Shit." That's all he says. "Babe? What's wrong?" Max asks, looking worried.

"The bone isn't just broken, it's completely snapped. A lot of the nerves are destroyed, and the amount of blood shows he probably hit an artery," He replies.

Then, I notice the ambulance that has magically showed up.

I stand up and run over. Two paramedics jump out of the back and take him from me.

"C'mon, we can take you," One says and I follow.

They begin to work on him as I hold my head in my hands.

Ross's pov
"Max, slow down!" I say, squeezing his arm.

He sighs and does as I say.

We didn't want a bunch of people rushing him at the hospital, so only me, Max, Mikey, and John are going.

We run in and see Adam sitting in the corner with his head in his arms.

Part 2 coming soon!

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