Important A/N

82 5 13

Due to my mental health deteriorating, I'm going to take a break. From all writing pretty much.

I used to use writing as an outlet, but recently, it hasn't worked.

So, I'm gonna try to get myself together.

I'm not sure entirely what's wrong with me. I'm not sure what my illness is.

My main ideas for what it could be, are depression, insomnia, and cyclothymia.

Depression- feelings of severe despondency and dejection

Insomnia- habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep

Cyclothymia- a mental state characterized by marked swings of mood between depression and elation

Cyclothymia is basically a light form of bipolar disorder. So, as stated, I'm going to take a small break.

I'll write from time to time, but no where near as often as I do now.

Thanks guys, I love y'all.


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