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Jin's pov
It's late. 1 in the morning to be exact. Adam said he'd be home at 10:30.

I tried texting and calling, but he's not answering and that's worrying.

I hear the door click and I look over to see Adam stumble in the room. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize he's just drunk.

"Alright, come on. We gotta get you to bed," I tell him and lead him to his bed.

He lays down and I leave to my own room.

1 hour later
"Jin?" A small voice questions from my door.

"Hmmm," I reply, sitting up. "I woke up to get a drink and I don't know how to get back to my room," He mumbles.

He must have seriously gotten hammered to still be drunk after drinking water and sleeping.

I pat the bed next to me and we lie down together.

He suddenly grabs me and pulls me to where my back is pressed against his chest with his arms around my waist.

I can feel my entire face grow hot, but I stay in his hold. It's comfortable.

Next morning
I wake up to realize there's an arm around my waist. I pause before remembering.

I sigh, thinking about it. Fucking Adam, going out and getting hammered, worrying me to death.

He mumbles in his sleep and turns onto his stomach, arm still around me.

He buries his face in my side and I blush, but hold him.

Slowly, I feel myself start to get drowsy once more and I pass out.

Timeskip about an hour
I wake up to someone nudging me softly.

"Mmm," I groan and roll over.

"Jin, come on, get up," A voice tells me. I grumble and sit up.

"How did I get here?" Adam asks, after I've woken up a bit.

"Well, you came home drunk as shit, and I took you to your room. Sometime in the middle of the night, you came in here and said you didn't know how to get back to your room, so I let you sleep in here," I explain.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't think I was gonna get drunk," He mumbles, looking kind of ashamed.

"Aw, it's okay," I tell him and pull him into a hug. He accepts it.

"Jin," He says. I look up to be met with a pair of lips on mine. I kiss back almost immediately.

He wraps his arms around the small of my back and my hands travel to his hair.

He pulls me close to him as we kiss. I pull away a moment later and just stare at him.

A light blush coats his cheeks and I smile, kissing him again.

"Thank you for taking care of me," He mutters against my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss harder.

I end up sitting on his lap with my legs around his waist.

So, I guess drunken nights are the best.

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