Just Murder Pt. 2

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Prepare yourself for this one m'dears.

Adam's pov
I carefully place every sheet wrapped body in my car.

The last is Jin. His sheet slipped down a bit and I can see his face now. He looks so peaceful, as if he's sleeping.

I carefully push his hair out of his face and press a small kiss to his forehead.

Tears well in my eyes, but I blink them away. It's too late for that now.

I wave over a pedestrian and she looks at the sheets, confused. I ask for her phone and she hands it to me, unlocked.

I dial 911.

Operater: What's your emergency?

Adam: My friend went insane. He killed 3 of my other friends and my boyfriend. He chose to let me go and has now fled with the remainder of my coworkers. The address is 23 West Chapel Road. Please be quick.

Operater: Officers are on their way.

Adam: Thank you.

I hang up and give the phone back to the woman. Her mouth is in an O shape.

"Sorry bout that," I say. "I'm not leaving until the police get here. You've obviously been through a lot of trauma," She tells me. I nod, too tired and sad to argue.

"What's your name?" I ask. "Alesa. Yours?" She replies. "Adam," I answer.

Police arrive a few minutes later and immediately point their guns at me. I get on my knees with my hands on my head.

"Sir! What's your name?" An officer yells. "Adam Dahlberg," I call back. "And the friend who supposedly killed 4 others is named?" He asks.

"Michael Steves. He goes by Red," I reply. They seem to think I'm not gonna attack, so they rush over and put me in handcuffs.

"We have to take you into custody, Sir. For questioning," An officer tells me, taking me to his cruiser.

One officer discovers the bodies and looks over each one. The last one he checks is Jin.

I get one last look at that face. That sleeping face that I've seen so many times before. Only this time, it's forever.

I can't help it as I break down into tears. Alesa looks at me, worried. "What's wrong?" She says, walking to the car.

"J-j-Jih-JIN!" I sob out. She grabs a tissue from her purse and has me blow my nose.

"You'll be okay. I'm sure you didn't do this. They'll find your friends," She assures me and walks off.

I damn hope so.

Red's pov
I pile them into the back of the van and drive.

It's been hours and most of them are asleep. All of them except for Max and Bree, who are whispering feverishly.

Morgan falls over, but Bree moves slightly, so that her head falls on Bree's lap.

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