Chapter 2

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Our beys circled the ground creating a stadium and clashing multiple times. A purple aura immediatley pour out from Ryuga, a purple dragon floating behind him.

Ryuga: Go L-Drago!

His bey tried to contact with mine but missed a couple of times, that's when he realized my bey was also left rotating to.

Ryuga: Impossible, my L-Dragon is the only left rotating bey in the world!

Me: Well, why not have two? Go, Black Destroyer L-Drago!

Ryuga: Another L-Drago?!

I smirked at Ryuga's remark. Our beys kept clashing and creating huge currents of dust, the sound of grinding metal surrounded us. Doji watched impressed. My bey kept attacking L-Drago but moved away to the center of the stadium when I felt its energy drain.

Me: So your bey can drain the power from my L-Drago and then use it to unleash a ultimate move. Interesting......

Ryuga growled and a deeper purple formed around him, and his L-Drago.

Ryuga: I'm going to end this easily! 

Me: Huh?

Ryuga: Dark Move!

I gasped when I saw huge purple balls form in his hands and shoot it at his bey laughing crazily. I noticed Lightning L-Drago's fusion wheel switched.

Ryuga: Dragon Emperor Soaring Bite Strike!

Three huge purple dragons formed from L-Drago and circled the sky with a roar, their powerful jaws crunching on my bey's dragon spirit.

Me: L-Drago no!

Ryuga laughed again, his eyes glowing red and his cape blowing in the wind. His bey kept forcefully attacking my bey from all sides to prevent my escape. I watched in horror as my bey was sent flying into the air, Ryuga's bey kept attacking until they both hit the floor with a powerful explosion. Watching this something grew inside of me, determination and power. I screamed loudly and thick black aura surrounded me fully, my black wings changed color to bloody red. Ryuga and Doji watched in interest and shock.

Me: Black Destroyer L-Drago Sepecial Move!

My bey's face bolt glowed in black ooze and my dragons came out and sent Ryuga's L-Drago flying in mid air. 

Me: Dragon Empress Ultimate Blood Destruction!

I don't even know what happened, but what I witnessed was another powerful explosion and looking at Lightning L-Drago and Black Destroyer L-Drago in a sleep out. The black faded and my wings went back to normal. Ryuga's eyes widened along with Doji's, I smirked happily as I have just learned a little bit about the Blader's Spirit.

Me: Well, I think we had enough for today.

Me and Ryuga both walked into the stadium and picked up our beys, he looked like he was clammed up. He didn't utter a word. He got back into the helicopter and sat down in his chair, before I got back in Doji pulled me to the side.

Doji: How did you do it?

Me: Do what?

Doji: You are a new Blader, how did you manage to defeat Ryuga?

I just shrugged my shoulders and got back into the helicopter. Ryuga was staring at his bey then looked at me when I sat down. I closed my eyes and relaxed myself, I felt his gaze studying me, that's when I decided to read his mind.

Ryuga: No one had ever defeated me before, I know what Bryan said was true the moment I laid eyes on her, but to beat me of all people like that.......... what is she?

I smiled and sighed sinking in my chair comfortably.

Me: That was a good battle, I can see why you strive to become the king of all Bladers.

Ryuga: Humph!

I looked at him with a wicked grin and laughed.

Me: Don't worry big boy, you're still stronger than me in experience.

After I said that we grew quiet and stood like that on the way back to Dark Nebula.

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