Chapter 7

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Me: If we were Van, where would we be?

Ryuga: Hiding under a rock, because he's all talk and no action.

I laughed and shook my head, we searched high and low for Van, but there was no sight of him.

Me: Alright my Emperor, where should we look next.

He was quiet, then looked at a mountain a short distance by. He walked off towards it and I followed. Ryuga kept serious the whole time going up the mountain, climbing walls and dodging boulders that came crashing down. I smiled, he really is amazing. Half way to the top we halted to a stop studying our surroundings. Ryuga guarded me and launched L-Drago at a bey that was aimed at me. The two beys clashed and created some sort of an explosion.

Ryuga: Are you okay Jenny?

Me: Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks.

He nodded and turned back to the Blader who stood before us. Van glared at us, his outfit all ripped and torn, smudged with dirt.

Van: How did you know I'd be here?

Ryuga: The Dragon Emperor knows and sees all! You can't fool me!

Van scowled and pointed at me.

Van: You're gonna be destroyed you little bitch!

Ryuga's eyes widened in anger his fist clenched together tightly, the purple aura surrounded him.

Ryuga: What did you just say?

Van smirked and stared at Ryuga.

Van: You heard me, or are you as stupid as you look?

Ryuga: L-DRAGO!

L-Drago attacked Blezebrute creating a huge air current. Van laughed at Ryuga's rage, and I could tell that this is not going to end well.

Van: You're pathetic! Why don't you bring your girl in the battle to?

Ryuga: Why you little-!

Me: Go, Black Destroyer L-Drago!

My bey shot into the middle of Ryuga's and Van's beys attacking each other. Ryuga turned to me angry.

Ryuga: You shouldn't have joined, he's dangerous.

Me: Just trust me, let's work together and end this quickly!

Ryuga: Alright.

Both our L-Drago's vanished for a long period of time, Van looked every where struggling to find them.

Van: What? How can they just disappear?!

Me and Ryuga slowly looked at each other smiling, then looking back at Van. Ryuga folded his arms over his chest and I shoved my hands in my pockets, both our eyes were closed. We both spoke at the same time.

Me: L-Drago.

Ryuga: L-Drago.

A purple dragon and a black dragon appeared in the sky where our beys were. They both came crashing down at the same time creating a huge explosion and knocking Van's bey out of human reach. Ryuga's cape blew wildly in the wind, he stared at Van on the ground through all the dust and rubble. Both our L-Drago's came back to us and the cloud of dust vanished. I used my powers to get Van's bey and teleport it onto Doji's desk. Ryuga walked up to Van and grabbed him by his collar.

Ryuga: Listen you little shit, you ever say anything about my girl again I'll murder you where you stand.

Van: Heh heh, kill me? You don't have the-

Ryuga picked him up and flung him off the cliff nearby, I watched as Van went down onto a pile of rocks with a horrified painful yell. Ryuga came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me from behind, his hands rubbing my lower stomach. He rested his head on top of mine smiling.

Ryuga: I love you.~

Me: I love you to.~

He turned my head to face him and kissed me holding me tighter.

Ryuga: Want to uh.... take our time going back to D.N?

He fiddled with my hair sending shivers down my spine, I giggled and looked up at him.

Me: Sure.

He smirked and held my hand going down the mountain. We had to jump onto the tall rocks to get to the bottom one by one, and slid down a couple of hills. From that point on, we walked backed to Dark Nebula slowly talking about our Blading Skills.

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