002 - Early Stage

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Song of the Chapter: Airwaves - Noisestorm (Electro)

(Phantom's POV)

They're on to me, I know it. I can hear them in the trees, getting closer to my hiding place. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and it's a miracle no one can hear it. It's a steady rhythm, like a drum, and I can already think up a melody to a song with my heartbeats. Maybe, when this is all over, I'll make one. I've always wanted to make music.

"Over here," a man calls, only a few feet away. "He went this way."

I hold my breath as they come closer. I wish I could have ducked deeper into the thorny bush, but if I move, they'll see me. In just a few minutes, they'll leave and I'll be able to move on. Instinctively, I squeeze the microchip tighter in my fist. This chip holds nearly one hundred tracks, all of them EDM. The others are relying on me to get it to them. This is their entire life.

"Check back there again," the commander orders. Three men walk past my hiding place, one of their boots inches from my fingers.

My communicator vibrates slightly. The others want to know where I am. I'll call them soon, once these guys give up.

"He's not here, sir."

"I know he is. He won't escape me again."

Watch me, I think rebelliously.

Someone trips and lands in the bush. He swears under his breath and then pauses, his hand poking around inside the bush. His hand is gloved, so the thorns don't stab him. I hold my breath again, and one of his fingers finds my nose. My bandana slipped down earlier and it's the only part of my face that isn't covered by my mask and hat.

"Sir," the man says hesitantly. "I think I found him."

Immediately, I drop the microchip in the dirt and pray I don't step on it as I lash forward with my fist, connecting with the man's face. He falls back with a cry of pain and I leap up, making a run for it.

Two men tackle me from behind and we go down hard. I bite my tongue and taste blood, but that's the least of my problems. As long as I don't speak or cry out, they won't know who I am. I try to fight back, but the only thing I'm good at is running and hiding, not physically fighting. They have my hands cuffed behind my back in a second, and the commander stomps his boot on my back. I hiss in pain, but it's a sound that won't let them use voice to find my identity. I can't believe I'm in their system. If anything of mine gets left behind, they'll be able to track it and shut me down. And if they find my communicator, they'll be able to find the others, too.

"We've got you now," the commander whispers in grim satisfaction. He leans over to take off my mask, but a loud crack startles him and he looks up. I know that sound. That sounds like...

Noisestorm's firecrackers.

"Blow Explode!" Noisestorm's voice shouts from the trees, and three of his biggest fireworks fly towards us, two of them bouncing on the ground and the last hitting the commander square in the face.

"What the...?" he mutters. "You two - put those things out! You - stop that kid!" He issues orders and resumes position to remove my mask, but before he can, the fireworks explode, throwing him from off me.

I scream in terror and pain as the handcuffs shatter and the explosion burns my back. But I'm free.

"Get the chip and let's go!" Noisestorm shouts, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet.

I reach under the bush and grab a fist full of dirt. I hope it has the chip, but I don't have time to check. The soldiers are recovering, and even though they can't see from all the smoke, it won't be long until they catch both of us. Neither of us will have pleasant fates - while I smuggle EDM, Noisestorm actually creates it.

"Come on!" he yells, dragging me deeper into the Canadian forest. I can barely run with my injuries, but somehow he keeps me with him. "You got it?" he asks once we're a safe distance away.

"Think so," I say, gasping for breath.

"Great." Noisestorm flashes me a smile, his face briefly illuminated by the moon. "We Move."

I groan in mock frustration. "Stop with the song titles thing. It bugs me."

"Really? I think it's Totally Radical."

"Fight me right now."

"Come on, Phantom. You know you love my Obsession."

I shove him and he lets go of my arm. I immediately lose my balance and collapse on the ground, yelling for help.

Noisestorm pauses. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks in concern.

"Oh, yeah, I just sort of blew up, you know, normal things - NO, I'M NOT OKAY."

"Sorry? Here, let me - "

"Don't touch it!" I shriek as his hand brushes against my back. He cringes and draws back. "You couldn't have aimed somewhere a little safer?" I grumble, finally standing and leaning against a tree.

"I couldn't see you." Noisestorm shrugs. "I'm sorry I hit you, you're welcome for saving your life, let's keep going."

We shuffle forward until a ball of fire lights up the night sky. We look up in fear and amazement and watch it spiral down, hitting the trees and exploding.

"Am I dreaming?" I mutter. "Or did that really just happen?"

"I saw it, too." Noisestorm looks harder, even though the only thing left in the sky is a trail of smoke. "Maybe it was a late firework?"

"I don't think so. Was it a bomb?"

"If it is, we're in trouble. We have to warn the others."


(Monstercat's POV)

I start pounding on the pod's controls out of desperation, but nothing happens. I need something to brake the hatch.

"Self destruct sequence activated. Please exit the pod."


The hatch finally pops a little and I'm able to kick it out. I hold on to my prized headphones to keep them in place and spring out of the pod right as it explodes behind me. The chemicals in the pod's fuel turn the fire and smoke a brilliant lime green, illuminating unfamiliar trees, the trees of another world.

I look up to the sky, but there aren't nearly as many stars here as my home planet. Nothing is familiar. I have to find somewhere to go. I'm lost.

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