The Dare

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A dark hedgehog rested under the shade of a large oak tree. He sat with his his back to the trunk as his legs were straight in front of him and his arms crossed behind his head. The afternoon day was so calming and relaxing with the light blue sky with clouds that were scarce and floated across it. His ears listened intently as he listened to nature. Crickets, birds, and small mammal such as squirrels chirping in their own way. The leaves rustled in the wind. The slight breeze made the warm day chilly. "Hey Shads!" A annoying, cocky tone caused his ears to flicker at the familiar voice. Feeling a sudden rush of wind caused him to look at the blue hedgehog in front of him. With a 'tsk' of his fangs Shadow responded. "Faker. What do you want now?" Sonic rested his hands on his hips before answering to his rival. "No need to be so moody Shads." Shadow didn't want to waste his afternoon with this imbecile. "Cut to the chase Faker." Shadow snapped at Sonic. "Wanna race?" Sonic asked as he got in position to dash off. "No." Shadow answered as he stood from where he sat and walked away. "Hey! Shads! Where you going? What about a dare?" Sonic offered as he started to walk next to Shadow. Shadow seemed to ponder against the offer. "Deal. I win and you leave me alone." Shadow said as he stopped and turned to Sonic with a hand outstretched. "For a week." Sonic quickly added as he shook the others hand. "But if I win then you have to race me and I have to show you the meaning of fun." Sonic said as Shadow grumbled about the part of being left alone for a week only. "We've got ourselves a deal but we need a dare." Sonic thought about it as he said those words. "Hurry up Faker. I don't want to be stuck with you all day." Shadow snapped at Sonic. The blue hedgehog remained where he was and kept thinking until he finally had something. "Okay. So here's the dare, you have to get Amy's number and go on a date with her." Shadow faced palmed at it. "Roses number and go on a date. A date with a annoying, high pitched, obsessive girl that only wants you. Wonderful choice, but I'm gonna have to pass." Shadow responded as he continued his walk. "You have to at least try and I have to watch." Sonic yelled at Shadow who turned to glare daggers at the blue speedster. "Fine. I guess I'll go get her number now." With a disapproving face he gave to the other, Shadow Chaos Controlled them to his house. "Come on." Mumbled the dark hedgehog as he pulled Sonic inside. "Woah Shads. Don't tell me that your going to dress up for all of this." Sonic teased as Shadow grabbed a large book from a table near the front door. "No. I'm getting her number." Shadows response made Sonic walk over to him. He was right. But the hero wanted Shadow to go ask her for it not look for it in the phone book. "I'm texting her a invitation." Shadow grabbed his phone and started to type before sended it. "There. Dare's done. But I'm not going on the date. I won now leave me alone, I also said it was from you." Shadow called to Sonic as he headed outside to continue walking. "Thats not how it supposed to go! Your supposed to go on a date with her!" Sonic yelled at the retreating figure. Stopping, Shadow turned his upper body half way and placed a hand on his hip. "I tried. So you promised to leave me alone for the week." Shadow said.
Sonic looked at Shadow. His face was annoyed as his arms were crossed. But inside secretly, Sonic loved Shadow and everything about him. His midnight and crimson fur, his snowy white chest fur, his red ruby eyes. Shadows personality as well. Shadow was cold, calm, intelligent, neat, and elegant possibly . He was like Sonics perfect other half. But, Sonic couldn't say anything since they were supposed to be rivals but that didn't mean that he couldn't try to be Shadows friend, even if he didn't want one besides Rouge.
"Technically you didn't try since you said it was me and your not going on the date and you didn't ask for her number. So I don't have to leave you alone. I technically won." Shadow could only be upset as Sonic said that. He got the pink hedgehogs number and asked her out on a date but Sonic wasn't specific in how Shadow had to do it. Shadow had won, it was obvious but Sonic just didn't want to be the sore loser he was. "If you technically 'won' I still refuse to be around you." Shadow said with a huff before turning back around. "I guess I'll have to make you." Sonic said but Shadow caught it. "Make me? What do --" Shadow was cut off when Sonic had suddenly picked him up bride style. Shadows face held shock as he struggled to say something. "What, what are you doing?!" Shadow demanded as he struggled in Sonics grip. "I said if I won then I was supposed to show you fun. I'm taking you on a vacation." Sonic said as he raced off.

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