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Sonic ran for a while before stopping in font of a castle that was located far away from civilization. "Home sweet Home. Or I guess Castle sweet Castle?" Sonic asked as Shadow sighed in annoyance. "What are we doing here Faker?" Shadow asked as he looked at the castle, soaking in every detail and admiring it. "Well Shad--"
Sonic was cut off before being able to finish his sentence. "Don't call me that!" Shadow growled at the other guessing he was going to call him the ridiculous nick name 'Shads'. "Well Shadow," Sonic said emphasizing that last part of his rivals name. "This is my other home. So I brought you here so you can learn fun." Sonic answered happily before walking towards a bridge that led to the entrance. Shadow looked around before following Sonic making a mental note that a village surrounded it. They walked through two large wooden doors before Sonic hollowed to no one in particular. "Yo! I'm back guys! And I brought a friend!" A pink and green blur came running to the entrance before a older purple female  hedgehog gracefully walked out of a room from their left to greet them. "Hello Sonic dear. Who is your friend?" She asked as Shadow assumed to be his mother. He felt a twinge of jealousy of the blue hedgehog. She wore a white dress along with a red cape and a crown placed upon her head. "Hello Queen. I am Shadow the hedgehog nice to meet you." Shadow said in a gentlemen manner as he bowed to her. "Hello Shadow. My name is Queen Alena, nice to meet you as well." She said in a gently, soft voice. Nodding, Shadow stood straight and looked at the other two hedgehogs by her side. Looking at the pink hedgehog he also assumed as Sonic's sister and the Queens daughter. She wore a outfit containing mostly purple and red. He was unsure if she wore a dress or a shirt along with a skirt considering her waist was covered by a golden belt. Her bottom half of the outfit was purple as the top was red, she wore purple gloves as she had her shoes and leggings that were the two colors. "I'm going to guess your the princess." Shadow said as he bowed to her as well. "You have a nice necklace and sense of fashion." Shadow complimented her as she smiled at him. "Call me Sonia. Pleasure to meet you." She said to him as her voice was just like her mothers. "I'm Manic." The green hedgehog said as he waved at Shadow who did the same. His quills were like Sonic except that he had a bundle of them at the front of his face. He had a red vest and red and white shoes. "Do you all play instruments?" Shadow asked taking note that the two had a necklace of an instrument and Manic carried drumsticks. "Yeah actually. I play the drums, Sonia's keyboard, and Sonics guitar. Mom sings though." Manic said with a nod. Nodding in understanding Shadow made notes. "Do you play something?" Sonia asked. "Uh, yeah actually." Shadow said as Sonic gave his a suprised look. "Woah Shads! You play? What do you play?" Sonic asked as Shadow smiled a little. "A lot of things actually. I sing as well. Let's see..... Um I play the violin, viola, cello, bass, guitair, clarinet, flute, drums, piano, and bassoon. I think that's it." Shadow listed as he looked at the ground in thought. "Yeah, that's it." The three looked at him in shock and amazement as the mother had a smile. "That's nice. How are you able to play them all? Come, let's talk. We were about to have lunch." She said as she gestured them to follow. They walked into a large room that held a long table in the middle. It was piled with food as others were seated around it. Maids, butlers, cooks, and other workers sat at one end as the family sat at another. "Nice place. Well in my beginning years I had a dear friend, she was like my sister. She taught me to sing and play some of the instruments. But when she died I had a lot of free time so I decided to learn other instruments but soon mastered them all." Shadow said as they all began to put things on their plates. Sonic had been nothing but suprised since they arrived. Shadow got along with them all, he wasn't so upset about talking about the girl who was Maria, he played many instruments that Sonic didn't even know. It was like he belonged.

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