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Shadow stood under a tree like a few days ago with Hus arms crossed as he rolled his eyes. "I'm surrounded by immature people." Shadow said as he was in the shade, hiding from the sunlight on the sunny day as the scene played in front of him. It was pretty interesting and entertaining to see them make a fool out themselves. Rouge flew above Knuckles as he was chased by Sonic who was chased by Amy and Tails, Cream, and Charmy flew by their side as they faced and laugh with Silver and Blaze bring trampled over by the others as Espio had taken headphones of his (they were yellow with his name in purple on them) from Vector then tried to get him. "You guys are ridiculous." Shadow said before turning around to leave. "Where are you going?" A voice said from behind. Turning his head slightly he could see Sonic smirking before he turned back around. "Leaving." Shadow dated before he was about to walk. "Not without a goodbye kiss." Sonic said as he whipped Shadow around and held his wrist downward so he couldn't get away. Sonic then gave Shadow a passionate kiss, who obviously returned it. Tails and Charmy looked away as the closed their eyes saying 'Eww' as Cream giggled. Some gasped as other (Rouge) clapped as she cheered. "Yay!" Amy just stood there fuming. Then they soon joined Rouge as the two pulled away. Their friends soon started to do their own thing as Sonic then pinned Shadow to the tree. "Sonic! Not here!" Shadow whispered as Rouge then flew over. "Hey hun, there's children here." Rouge said as Shadow nodded and tried to get out of his grip. "Or me." Sonic said as he let him go but then slung him over his shoulder before running away. Shadow then pulled out the white Chaos Emerald and Chaos Controlled away. Sonic was startled when he appeared in Shadows house all of a sudden. He'd been headed to his which was the direction of Shadows. Shadow put the Enerald back before he tipped himself down torward the ground so he stood in his hands as Sonic tipped backwards and fell. Shadow landed on his feet before looking at Sonic as he smiled and Sonic sat up and saw Shadow barely swaying his hips as he walked away. "Don't do that again." Shadow said as Sonic just stared before tackling him. They started in a heated make out session.

And I'll end it at there.🌌❇✨✴🔱💙😔😭😢😆😃 (these emoji's were attracting me 4 some strange reason)

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