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Sonic woke up due to the sunlight in his face and something large pushing him. He sat up to see Anastasia trying to keep warm with the blanket. Now that he thought about it, it was cold. How could he not have been cold? Well there was something warm. Warm. Shadow. He looked to see the hedgehog on his side with a peaceful face. Sonic hugged him by his waist and went back to sleep. Just about to sleep again he thought he felt a little movement. He opened his eyes again to see Shadow move closer him keep warm. "Why is it cold?" Shadow mumbled as he shivered. Anastasia's eyes quickly opened as she jumped off the bed and purred in delight. "She had the blanket." Anastasia licked Shadows face. "What'd I tell you about licking me?" Sonic laughed at the two but received a small push. "On be quite. You don't know how it is to be covered in slobber." Shadow said as he got up. "I'm taking a shower." Shadow mumbled. The two got up and ready for the day as Anastasia went back to sleep.
Queen Aleena walked up to the edge of the forest where her son, his friend, and a large cat were seated near. "Sonic, can I talk to you alone?" The three looked up at her but only Shadow got up and left followed by Anastasia. "Is it true he was near death?" She asked as she sat down next to her son. "Actually, he did die. But luckily for us and Möbius his creator made him immortal. He would be the only one to keep Möbius safe after we all die." Sonic mumbled with a shrug. He didn't want to talk about it. "And where'd the feline come from?" His mother asked as he started to feel interrogated. "Shadow went exploring the forest the first night. I followed him and we meet her. Shadow and her are really close that he named he had named her Anastasia." Sonic answered. "And...... Do you like him?" The queen finally asked, the question Sonic was waiting for. There was a long silence before he answered. "Yeah.... A lot..." They sat in silence again. "I'm going to come back with more questions that I want them answered with the truth. I want to see if you do actually love him." With that she left Sonic. He was slightly upset that she would think that he would lie to her. Also the fact that she said she wanted to see if he actually did love him. It wasn't exactly her place to say if he did or not. Maybe it's to make sure nobody is hurt if Sonic lied about his feelings. Little did he know that the queen was talking to Shadow at the moment.
"Hello Shadow. How was your day yesterday, I didn't exactly see you." The queen said as she sat next to Shadow in the dining room. "Sorry about that. I was very exhausted yesterday." Shadow said. "I heard you almost died. Then I heard you did die." She said as Shadow looked away. "Uh, yeah. That's true. I had lost something I need for my survival." Shadow admitted. "And....." Queen Aleena stopped for a minute or two before continuing. "Do you love him? My son, Sonic?" Shadow looked at his hands. "Uh...." This time it was Shadow who stopped for a while. "Yeah. I do." He said with a nod. "Excellent to hear. Meet me here in an hour." She said before she left Shadow alone. Shadow just sat there for a minute. What was so important that he had to meet her here in an hour? He didn't know but he decided to go see what was Sonic doing. He looked at a clock that was placed in the room, there were many place throughout the castle. It read 2 pm. Shadow headed back outside to find Anastasia with Sonia and Manic. "I wonder what's her name." Sonia said as Manic shrugged.  "Maybe something like Angel?" Manic asked while Sonia petted the cat. "Is everyone going to think it's Angel? That's what Sonic wanted to call her. Her names Anastasia." They turned to see Shadow walking up to them. "Good to see you alive." Manic said with a nod. "We were scared that you might've died." Sonia said with a smile as Shadow shrugged. "Well, I did actually. I'm suprised you haven't heard. Everyone thought I would but then I did and I had suspected Sonic to have told you guys already." Shadow said that made Sonia gasp. "You died?! But your here!" She said. "Maybe Sonic revived him. Like mouth to mouth?" Manic asked as Shadow face palmed with a blush and Sonia laughed. "No, that didn't happen. I mean I did revive. But not mouth to mouth. It was like I died but I just woke up the next morning." Shadow said as Anastasia meowed. It was actually strange to hear a large cat like her meow like a small kitten, all she did mostly was purr or growl. "You haven't eaten. Let's go." Shadow said as they walked back to the castle and into the kitchen to give her fruit. Looking at the clock in the kitchen he saw that it had an hour had almost already passed. It didn't even seem that long. Maybe it was walking outside that made time fly. "I've got to go. Don't go making trouble." Shadow said as he left to the dinning room. He was about to knock when he heard voices and stopped. "Okay mom. What do you want to know?" Sonic's voice drifted into Shadows ear. He knew that she had set it up like this. He knew she wanted him to hear what they were talking about. He wasn't thinking that because he wanted to ease drop, he could do that whenever he wanted. But it was because she had told him to meet her in a hour at the the exact place that she was with Sonic at the same place and time. How could she forget they were going to talk and talk to Sonic instead in the exact meeting place? She didn't. Shadow listened as they started the conversation. "Sonic, do you love Shadow?" There was silence. "Mom, I already told you. I love Shadow." Sonic responded as Shadow let out a little sigh. "And why do you like him?" "Well he's physically fit. And I like his fur. Its soft and uh.... I don't know. Perfect? And he's strong, athletic. I don't know, I'm not good at this. His red ruby eyes are like hypnotizing jewels. He's like..... attractive, like a magnet? Not only is he physically attractive but also I like his personality. He's mysterious, neat, kind, calm, smart, interesting, funny, understanding. I can go on mom but I don't exactly want to be here all day trying to tell you something and do something that I don't know how to and  embarrass myself." Sonic said. Shadow could hear someone stand up and walk to the door so as an instinct Shadow hid. He rushed into a room and in fear of her hearing the door close kept it open. Luckily for him it was dark so he was able to blend in and hide. She passed by and after a few minutes Shadow stepped out of his hiding place. He walked up to the door and put up a hand to knock but became hesitant. He finally brought himself to knock as Sonic answered. "Who is it?" Shadow opened the door before walking in. "Me." Sonic smiled at him. "Hey, is something up?" Sonic asked as Shadow shook his head. "No. I was talking to Sonia and Manic earlier. They said that they thought I was going to die but then I told them what happened, they said they didn't know. I thought you would've told them." Shadow said as he sat next to Sonic. "I promised them that you'd be okay but then you died. You dying isn't exactly what I promised." Sonic said as Shadow nodded. "Yeah I guess. I heard you guys." Shadow admitted. "Huh?" Sonic asked confused. "Just a few minutes ago, you and your mom were talking. I heard, the whole thing." Shadow mumbled while Sonic just blushed in embarrassment. "You heard that? The whole thing?" Sonic asked with a long sigh. "The whole thing. And I actually liked what I heard." Shadow said as he started to lean in to Sonic. "You did?" Sonic was suprised. Nodding Shadow snuggled into Sonic purring. "Shadow, your purring." Sonic pointed out as Shadow just continued. "I know." Shadow simply said as Sonic just sat there, unsure what to do.

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