Another World and Shadow

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Sonic bursted in and stopped cold. It was like stepping into a whole new world. On the outside it was like a barrier of different types of trees. But in the inside unknown plants thrived as hummingbirds flew everywhere while other birds perched on branches. Squirrels and other small mammals ran about. Butterflies also flew by the hummingbirds. "Woah." Sonic said as he looked around. He then spotted Shadow seated on a branch with his back to him. His back to him. It seemed like it was always like that. Shadow always had his back to everyone expect Rouge. But especially him. Why? Sonic watched Shadow as a squirrel and chipmunk run up to him. The dark hedgie scratched under the squirrels chin before petting the chipmunk. The blue hedgehog remained out of sight as he watched the other wander around. Shadow stopped at a cave and looked around with a thinking expression before it lighten up seeing red violet berries. Grabbing a handful Shadow turned back to the cave with his hand outstretched and open. "Here you go." Shadow stood there before walking forward until his hand was engulfed in darkness. He soon yanked his hand away that was covered in slobber and had a disgusted face. "That's disgusting. You didn't need to put my hand into your mouth." Shadow said as he he wiped his hand off on a leaf that was a purplish and green. "Come out, its safe." Shadow said as he grabbed more berries and sat in front of the dark cave. The two hedgehogs were quite as a beast slowly came out. It was a large wild cat with purple and teal fur. It had the structure of a cheetah. "Here's some more girl." Shadow said as he offered the berries. The female feline had large pointed ears and a large, bushy tail while her body was thin. "Shadow, what are you doing?" Sonic asked as he walked out of his hiding place. The female turned her attention to the blue hero as she snarled before pouncing. But she stopped in midair and turned around. Shadow had grabbed her before he started to sing. Sonic listened as Shadows voice was strangely soft and angel like. The feline soon relaxed and sat next to him and snuggled into him like a puppy. "Its okay girl, I know him. Why don't we give you a name?" Shadow asked as he looked at Sonic who slowly walked over to sit next to Shadow. "What about Angel?" Sonic asked as he looked at Shadow who stared into her eyes which were a silver gray color. "No. It sounds like she has white fur. She has some white fur but most of it isn't. How about......" Shadow sat in silence as he stared into her eyes and she did the same. Sonic was starting to think he was forgotten until Shadow responded. "Fantasy? Maybe, Anastasia?" Shadow asked as she purred. "I guess its Anastasia." Sonic said as he petted her soft fur. "I want to explore more. You guys coming?" Shadow asked as he stood up. Anastasia walked next to him and rubbed against his leg. She was up to his stomach. Sonic walked to Shadows other side. "Sure. Let's go!" Sonic said as they made their way deeper into the forest. They spent their night interacting with other animals, well Shadow mostly did. Sonic only would after Shadow made sure it was safe. They had run into an area full of chimps that were a range of pure white to pitch black. They had attacked them with what seemed as nuts that were the size of rocks. Their journey continued until Shadow lead them back to Anastasia's cave. "It's almost morning. I just saw the crack of dawn, that's our cue to leave Sonic. We'll be back in the night." Shadow said as he motioned Sonic to follow. "Its late Sonic. You haven't slept a wink. I know because how else did you know I had left? I run off of Chaos Energy so I don't really need sleep." Shadow said as they raced back to the castle. "Ok, yeah, your right. But you need sleep too. Your gonna be tired today. At least you can't get anymore tired." Sonic said with a smile as he tried to lighten up the dreary mood while trying to race Shadow without words. All he needed to do was sped up and Shadow would follow then they'd be running at light sped. Unfortunately for him Shadow knew what he was doing so kept his slow, steady, human pace. "Actually I will because I'm helping the workers. I'm gonna help cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner but I'm helping them clean between. So your not gonna be there to be tired with me." Shadow said as Sonic rolled his eyes. "No, your gonna have to hang with me, Manic, and Sonia." Sonic argued. "Sorry but I'll have to decline until tomorrow. I promised I'd help around the castle today as gratitude for letting me stay." Shadow said to Sonic who just sighed. "Fine." Sonic mumbled in disappointment. They stood at the wall where their window was and looked up at it helplessly. "I guess we'll have to sneak through the doors. But you gotta be careful, its creaky." Sonic warned and looked at Shadow only to find him gone. "Shadow?! Did he leave me? He must've been really quite for me not to hear." Sonic whispered to himself. "I'm still here. But I can sneak in without you noticing." Looking up at the voice, Sonic saw Shadow sitting on the closes house. "I have a plan. First I need you up here." Shadow whispered as Sonic climbed up. "Okay so here's what'll we do. I need you to run into the wall and push off as high as you can, I'll meet you in the air and propel you through the window. Just be ready to land on your feet then I need you to open the door." Shadow said as he stood up. "Ok." Sonic hesitatingly agreed. Getting up he did as told. He ran a little up the wall before planting his feet high above the ground and pushed/ jumped off. "Okay, now ball up like your going to spin dash." Sonic heard Shadow say and listened. He felt himself falling to the earth due to gravity before feeling himself being pushed the other direction but higher. "Get ready!" A voice called to him. Sonic was hesitant to land so when he did he slipped backwards before slidding and running into their shared bed. Getting up Sonic walked to the door and opened it to see Shadow waiting. "How did you --?" Sonic was too confused to finish. "I didn't have anyone else to help me through the window so I went through the door. I didn't take you with me because I know you'd get us caught." Shadow whispered so no one will hear them. "No I wouldn't." Sonic huffed as the two got ready to sleep as some sunlight peeked through their window. "You left the candle on." Shadow commented as he got in the bed. "What?" Sonic asked as he laid next to Shadow. "When we were supposed to be sleeping last time, you left the candle on. The breeze from earlier when we were gone had blown it out." Shadow said as he and Sonic were face to face with noses touching. "I didn't even know you lit a candle." Sonic admitted. "And you say you wouldn't have gotten us caught if we went through the door." Shadow teased with a smile that Sonic returned. "So maybe I would've but if it weren't for you and your smartness we would've been in a problem." Sonic said. "Yeah, thanks to my 'smartness'." Shadow said. "Shadow? Your so different here. Why? Why do you usually push everyone away?" Sonic asked his questions, taking the opportunity to know Shadow. "Its different here. Its like being around Rouge. No one judges me, fears me, threatens me. They accept me. I feel like I fit even without having family or Rouge. I always push people away because its easier. If they haven't been distant already then I do it myself. It's just easier. No harm to anyone." Shadow said as he had a hand under his head and one in front of their faces while looking into Sonics eyes. Sonic did the same as Shadow. "It's nice to see this other side of you. Your so open and easy to talk to. But what about you?" Sonic asked as he started to trace the stripe oh Shadows hand. "What about me? Doesn't exactly matter. It still would be easier if I pushed away. No harm to me either. No one exactly tries to be my friends expect you and your friends but especially you and Rouge." Shadow answered with a shrug as he watched Sonic hand and his close together. "Do you like it here that much?" Sonic asked as Shadow nodded. "Do you wanna stay? We could stay over." Sonic suggested as Shadow looked at his face. "Stay here? How? How can we stay here when we have to play our roles of you being the hero and me being the emotionless, deadly hedgehog that tries to kill you but helps sometimes. We have to keep Möbius safe, we can't just go on vacation leaving the citizens in harms hands. And I don't think your friends can stop evil without you..... Besides, we're here because your supposed to be showing me what 'fun' is." Shadow said as Sonic watched their hands and took the risky move and holding Shadows hands in his own. "Yeah, I guess. But I don't think you know what fun is yet." Sonic said as their fingers entwined. Looking into each others eyes Sonic also took another risky move. "Shadow? I --"
Sonic didn't get to finish as Sonia knocked on the door. "Hey guys? Are you awake?" She called softly. Shadow was the first to get up. "Uh yeah!" He called as he got up and got ready for the day. "Well breakfast is ready." She said before leaving. She had been listening to them and watched through a crack she made. She was awaken when something make a 'THUMP'. Hearing it from their room she watched as Shadow was let in by Sonic and she watched. Sonic soon did the same as Shadow and got up. He was just about to confess.

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