You Like Him

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The two hedgehogs walked side by side. "You didn't get any sleep Sonic." Shadow realized as he glanced at the other who looked exhausted. "You too. You look awful." Sonic commented as his eyes met Shadows. "Doesn't matter. What does matter is what they're gonna say." Shadow said but Sonic just shrugged. "You should probably get some rest after breakfast." Shadow suggested as his hand reached out towards Sonics who meet him halfway and held hands. "Yeah I guess. But you never think of you." Sonic said as he squeezed Shadows hand. "I already told you that it doesn't matter. Besides, I'm helping. Remember? I can't sleep." Shadow said as he started to walk closer to Sonic. "You need to remember your important. Just because you run off of Chaos Energy doesn't mean you have to rely on it." Sonic said as he looked at Shadow who looked the other way. "Hey, come here." Shadow said as he pulled Sonic into a room. It was a bathroom. "Here, let me try to make you look better." Shadow told Sonic. A few moments later Sonic looked like usual. "Now let's go." Shadow said as he pulled Sonic out. They continued on their way to the dinning room. "What about you?" Sonic asked. "They won't really see it." Shadow mumbled as they entered the room. It was empty besides two plates of bacon and eggs with juice and toast. The only person there was Sonia. "Hey guys. Missed breakfast." Sonia said as she sat beside a plate. "I'm gonna go and help." Shadow mumbled before turning to leave. "Shadow, you didn't even eat." Sonic said as Shadow shrugged. "It's okay, I'm not hungry anyways." Shadow said before quickly leaving the two alone. "You like him, don't you?" She finally asked breaking the silence after a while. "Uh.... Yeah." Sonic answered with a blush as be made his way next to her. Sitting down he began to eat. "I heard you guys last night. How he likes it here and stuff." Sonia said as Sonic looked at her. "Yeah. Its different where we live. Nobody really likes him. Since... Nevermind, I shouldn't tell you. He'd probably get mad at me." Sonic said as she looked at him. "Is it bad?" She asked as Sonic looked at the other plate before nodding. "He thinks its easier to stay away, and he doesn't think he's first priority. I mean he stands up for himself and stuff but he like to keep distant. He says it better for everyone." Sonic said. "Maybe he believes it's better and in a way it is. He does it so he doesn't get hurt." She replied to the statement. They sat in silence as Sonic finished up. "I'm gonna..... Go to bed." Sonic mumbled before waving a good bye and leaving. He was tired. He needed some sleep. Almost there, Sonic tripped over his own feet in drowsy ness. But before he could fall someone had caught him. "Sonic. You need to be more careful." Looking up he saw Shadow. "Yeah I know. I guess I'm really tired." Sonic said as he was guided to their room by Shadow. "You just sleep, I've got to go." Shadow whispered before turning to leave. Right before he could take a step Sonic grabbed his arm. "Don't tell me your gonna clean. Your supposed to be having fun." Sonic said as Shadow just rolled his eyes. "Sonic, I told you that this is my way of thanking them." Shadow responded shrugging off Sonics hand like usual. "You don't need to do that. Just hang with me and my siblings." Sonic argued as Shadow just shook his head. "No, how many times do I need to tell you?" Shadow asked as he looked at Sonic who sat on the bed just mere inches away. "And how many time do I have to tell you no? Or that your gonna hang with me, Manic, and Sonia?" Sonic argued back. Shadow turned around only to have Sonic pull him back onto the bed and wrestling with the blue speedster. The end result was Shadow being pinned and Sonic winning victory. "I win. Now you gotta do another dare." Sonic said with a grin. "What?! We didn't agree to this!" Shadow argued smiling. "Sure we did!" Sonic laughed. "When?" The dark hedgehog asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Don't you remember?" Sonic asked as they both leaned in. "Nope. The last time I agreed to this was yesterday. Your just a Faker." Shadow answered as their faces were centimeters away from each other. "Yo guys! We're gonna go outside to have lunch!" Manic said as he walked in. "Ok, we'll be there in a bit. " Sonic accepted and stood up. Shadow sat up with a blush. "Yeah, we'll be there." Shadow agreed as Manic walked out with a nod. Taking a glance at Sonic he left and a few seconds later Manic came back in. "Sonia told me." Manic admitted as Sonic face palmed. "That's what I get for telling her. Just hope she doesn't tell anyone else." Sonic mumbled as Manic patted his back. "Actually, she kinda did. She's been going around betting that you like him or that you guys are a thing. She also gave mom little hints." The green hedgehog said. "Sonia!" Sonic screamed in frustration. "Come on guys! We're gonna be late!" They heard Sonia call to them from outside the room. "Stop telling people things." Sonic grumbled before walking out with Manic and joining Sonia outside. They found Shadow far off by himself, seated near the forest. "You should do something Sonic, he looks bummed out." Manic whispered as Sonia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go check on him." Sonic left in the direction of Shadow but not without hearing Sonia call out to him. "Go get him Tiger!" She yelled as Sonic gave her a glare. It was obvious that Shadow had heard the pink hedgehog's sentence since he turned to their way. "Hey Sonic." Shadow mumbled as the hero sat down. "Hey. What's wrong?" Shadow could heard how his voice sound worried. "Nothing. I just finished showing my gratitude but I want to go back into the forest. I'm wondering what Anastasia is doing." They sat in silence until they heard something rumble. "Uh.... Hah. Lunch. I'm hungry, what about you?" Sonic asked as he pulled Shadow to his feet. "I guess." Shadow replied with a shrug. They walked to where everyone sat having a picnic and began to eat themselves. Shadow sat in front of Manic with Sonic seated next him and in front of Sonia. "Hey guys. Are you hungry?" Manic asked as he ate a sandwich. "Yeah. Hungry for someone." Sonia said as she looked between the two hedgehogs in front of her. "Someone who's --!" She wasn't able to finish as Sonic looked at Manic who elbowed her slightly. Shadow sat there with a blush as be looked away and Sonic did the same. Sonia probably would've continued even after being interrupted but the queen was seated near by. So when Queen Aleena left Manic looked back at the two. "Look how close they are!" Sonia said in a teasing voice. "Looks like Sonics trying to hold hands." Manic pointed out. The two hedgehogs were blushing. They were close, only a inch of space and they were about to hold hands. "Quit it guys!" Sonic snapped as his siblings laughed.

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