Sneaking Off

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After lunch the three hedgehogs decided to take Shadow around the castle and village. The village was mostly deserted besides some citizens and workers from the castle that were off for the day. A forest was settled to the right of the place. It had caught Shadows attention and sparked some curiosity in him. He decided to explore it at night. Unfortunately he got stuck sharing a room with the Faker. Shadow couldn't have a room of his own since every other one was taken. Sonics friends had their own room since they would come over for the holidays, but since Shadow never went he didn't have one. The Queen promised him that they'd make a room next time he came. They had to change a couple of things first.
Shadow got ready for bed. He took off his gloves and shoes so he remained with black socks and his inhibitor rings around his ankles and wrists. Taking a glance at the Faker, Shadow looked at his hands. His red stripe would extended down to the top of his hand and covered his middle finger. "What's wrong Faker?" Shadow asked with a bored tone. He was actually genuinely concerned but didn't show it the slightest. It was strange to see the cheerful, energetic, annoying Faker all calm and depressed looking. "Nothing. Why do you call me Faker?" Sonic asked as he stood at the window looking at the moon. "Because you are. Your lying to me so your faking, if your faking then your a Faker. Your 'nothing' wasn't convincing enough. I could see and hear in your tone of voice that somethings wrong." Shadow said as he sat on the bed facing Sonic. Looking at the other Sonic sighed. He wanted to tell Shadow that he liked him but couldn't bring himself to do it. "Really, it nothing. I'm just..... Upset that I didn't know that you played anything." Sonic lied. Was it convincing enough for the dark hedgehog? No. It wasn't. "Yeah. I'm also really upset that you didn't tell me that your mother is Queen and your a prince with siblings." Shadow joked but was a bit serious. "Ha ha." Sonic faked laugh. "I get it, it wasn't a good joke but its true. I was suprised to find out your prince." Shadow said. "Really?" Sonic asked as he walked over to sit next to Shadow. "Yeah. Quite." The dark hedgehog responded. "You were suprised?" Sonic exclaimed. "I was suprised by you. Like who knew you had so much knowledge in that brain? And I didn't even know you sang or played a instrument. Or more like twenty! And you were so calm talking about..... Her." Sonic said as he looked at Shadow with sad eyes. Shadow just looked away from Sonic and focused his attention to the stone floor. "Yeah. I guess I suprised myself too." Shadow mumbled loud enough for Sonic to hear. "You're full of surprises." Sonic agreed as he looked at Shadows hands that he used to hold himself up on. They seemed so fragile yet so strong. Sonic reached out to touch it but became hesitant and pulled away. Instead placing a hand on Shadows shoulder. The action caused him to jump a little. "Let's just go to bed." Shadow suggested as he shrugged off Sonics hand before laying on his side where his back was to the other. Sighing, Sonic did the same but faced Shadows back. He wanted to know so badly what went through his mind. He was full of mysteries. A couple of hours passed by. Everything was the same except that Sonic turned the other way so they were back to back. Shadow had been awake the whole time. He had been waiting for the other to fall asleep. Silently and carefully Shadow slowly crept out of bed. Little did he know that Sonic had been awake this whole time. But luckily for him, Sonic didn't realize that the weight of Shadow had disappeared. But he did soon realize that Shadows warmth was gone. He felt cold and alone so suddenly that he sat up to see Shadow jumping out of their window. Sonic jumped out of bed and ran to the window. He could see Shadows retreating form as he left a trail of yellow light. "What are you doing?" Sonic asked himself as he squinted his eyes to see Shadow look everywhere as if he was making sure nobody was watching him. He turned into the forest to continue. Sonic's heart stopped and he froze when Shadow looked directly at him and kept his gaze before running into the forest. Sonic didn't know what that was but he did know that he was going to follow. Putting on his gloves and shoes he jumped out the window. He landed right outside of the village before running off.

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