Back to the Forest

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The day passed by agonizing slow for the two. Shadow wanted to explore the new world again as did Sonic but he also loved how he had quality time with Shadow. Soon the moon was high out as the sky was a dark blue. "Good night." Sonic said cheerfully to his family as him and Shadow left the dinning room as they caught Sonia's and Manics grins. Shadow again grew another blush. He knew that they knew that him and Sonic liked each other. He remembered what Sonia said earlier that day. 'Hungry for someone'. All four of them knew exactly what she meant. They went inside their room as they stared at each other. "What a interesting day." Shadow joked as Sonic smiled. "If interesting means embarrassing." Sonic joked back as awkward filled the atmosphere. "Well, were gonna have to wait a hour or two so everyone's asleep. I think I'm going to go to sleep too." Shadow mumbled as he took off his gloves and shoes. He found it weird. He did like it there, he did feel like he belonged but he also started to like Sonic. Having a crush on the Faker. He never thought that would happen. He saw Sonic lay down in front of him. They were nose to nose again. "Are we ever going to get some sleep?" Shadow asked as Sonic laughed a little. "I know right. We stayed up all night and then we spent most of the day together with Manic and Sonia." Sonic said. "Yeah. We should really get some sleep though." Shadow whispered as his eyelids grew heavy. He soon went unconscious when he felt a warm blanket cover him. Sonic had covered themselves and fell asleep cuddling Shadow who unknowingly did the same. "Sonic? You left the door open." He turned to the familiar voice of Sonia and saw her with Manic. "So cute, their cuddling." Sonia whispered as Manic looked at her. "We'll have to take pictures. When are you gonna tell mom though?" Manic asked the important question. "Later. Its not the right moment." Sonia answered. "Yea, in a couple of days probably." Sonic said. Then he heard a click. "Sonia!" Sonic whispered as she showed Manic the picture and smiled. Sonia waved to them before walking away. "Later bro." Manic closed the door before leaving. Sonic continued to snuggle with Shadow. Shadows eyes quickly opened as he looked around to find Sonic hugging him by the waist. Struggling to get up he cursed under his breath. Why was it so hard? He was asleep, it should be a little easier but every move he made caused Sonic to hold on tighter. Then Sonic started to rub his cheek against Shadows as he purred. "Sonic?" Shadows whisper was quite. Then the blue speedster started to scratch behind Shadows ear. How could he be asleep but scratch behind Shadows ear? Was that even possible? Shadow soon started to purr as he rubbed his cheek against Sonics as well. What was he doing? They told Anastasia they'd be back. "Sonic!" Shadow said louder as Sonics eyes opened. "What?" Sonic asked being clueless of what just happened. "What about the forest?" Shadow asked as he tried to get up. "Oh yeah." Sonic let go of Shadow so he could stretch when he got up. They slipped on their shoes and gloves before jumping out the window again.
They walked into the forest and headed to Anastasia's cave. "We brought fruit." Shadow called to her as he carried a bag full of fruits he had taken from the castles kitchen and some from the forest. The three sat in each others company and comfort as they ate fruit. "I think I'm gonna make Anastasia a collar." Shadow stated while he petted her head.
"Let's go, its almost morning." Shadow sighed in annoyance and left with Sonic. They didn't exactly do much besides play with Anastasia.

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