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Shadows assumption was hours off. It was too early to go back but Shadow had to admit, he was tired so he made sure to be hours early. He felt like he could just fall there and then. So after sneaking back the two went to bed. They slept into late afternoon, cuddling again. The two jumped out of bed with a start when a large explosion was heard. "I have a feeling that's Dr. Eggman." Shadow sighed in annoyance. Him and Sonic ran to see indeed it was Eggman. "Sonic! We need your help! Amy got captured!" Tails said as he was taking down robots with their other friends. "Hey hun!" Rouge yelled at Shadow as she took down a few with a swift kick. "Hey Rouge." Shadow greeted her back before storming off. "Does your girlfriend always have to get caught?" Shadow grumbled to Sonic since he was still tired. The sentence was like a stab to the heart to the blue hero. He thought that him and Shadow were starting to grow close. But Shadow seemed grumpy so maybe just tired? He watched as the dark hedgehog walked at the center of the mess. "You better get out of the way or be cooked. Chaos..." Shadow stopped mid sentence to let the others find something to shield themselves with. "BLAST!" Shadow yelled as all the robots and their surroundings were burnt and nonoperational expect the one that held Amy. "Hohohoho! Hello Shadow. Nice to see you. What took you so long? On a date with your boyfriend?" Eggman laughed at Shadow who growled. "Shut it you BUFFON! I'm not in the mood!" Shadow growled as he started to attacked the robot and tear pieces off.
Soon the robot came crashing down as Shadow tore Amy from the robots grip and jumped off right before it hit the ground. "Sonniku! Help me! Let me go! I wanted to be saved by my Sonic!" A angry Amy yelled as Shadow dropped her. "Relax Rose! I don't exactly care if you wanted Sonic to save you. Just stop being annoying. Your lucky I didn't leave you with the robot." Shadow said as he  walked away without looking back. "Hey Rouge. Tell Abraham I'm on vacation." Shadow called as he walked passed everyone. "Sonniku! Where were you?" Amy cooed as she ran up to hug Sonic. "Sorry guys.  But don't worry, if you need me just have Tails shine a blue light." Sonic said as he greeted his friends. "Yeah but where were you?" She asked in desperation. "I was with Shadow back at with my mom and siblings. He lost a dare and I'm showing him what's fun." Sonic said as Rouge am had a large smile. "Aww! You guys are in love. Don't show him too much 'fun'." Rouge said as Sonic had a blush. "Rouge! Sonic's in love with me! He's not gay!" Everybody looked at Amy. Everyone knew he didn't like her and he had told them that he was gay. At first it was secret until he told Amy to get her to stop, she didn't listen. "Well guys, gotta go. I was spending quality time with the family." Sonic said and turned around. "Liar. You look tired. Don't tell me you did it." Sonic turned Rouge and saw her grinning. "No Rouge." Sonic walked over to her and whispered in her ear and left as she laughed a little. "Bye guys!" Sonic ran off home.

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