Dead Man's Blood

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A month later, it was all building up.

We had gone on a few hunts in that time. Nothing so big, beside the Provenance case. Or maybe we had, and I was so edge that I hadn't noticed.

I took one step into this cafe when it hit me.

The hunt we would do next. Cause I had no idea I would even recognize it, not until I was standing in it.

Dead Man's Blood.

I hated vampires.

More than I hated any other monsters- including spiders. At least for spiders, it was an instinct thing. For vampires? That was all choice. In this world, it was proven that they could live off non-human blood. Did that stop them? No. Do I hate the vegan-vampires any less? ...get back to me on that.

Point was: vampires were monsters.

(Except Benny. He's cool.)

Monsters, that needed to be put down.

I was proud of Millie Winchester. Watching her memories of poisoning a vampire nest? That was inspired. She had a hard life, one I could never understand. Growing up, my house hadn't been abusive- especially not to a scale that high. If anything, the Spencer's were more distant towards me than typical parents. Millie? She had been straight up abused.

My sister and I would've taken them out on that clause alone.

But vampires too?

They were living on borrowed time.

(I mean, technically they already were, being undead and all)

All of that being said, I was looking forward to roasting the bats again.

The rest of the week? Yeah not so much.

I sat at a table with the boys. My hands holding a warm cup of cocoa, which I still enjoyed despite it being July. My thumb was toying with the seam of the cup.

"Well dudes. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What have you got?" Dean prompted.

I sat up, called to attention. "Uh- nothing to the South. There was a ghost, but it looks like someone else got it."

Dean nodded. He turned to Sam.

"Well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota." Sam reported. He paused. "Here. A woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived."

"Sounds more like 'that's incredible!' than 'Twilight Zone'." Dean stated.

"Yeah." Sam hummed. He went back to searching.

I looked down at the newspaper again.

"Hey, you know, we could just keep heading east?" Dean suggested. Though I had wanted to smirk, the looming thought of vampires kept me from it. "New York, upstate. Could stop by and see Sarah again, huh? She's a cool chick, man. Smokin'."

"Do people still say that?" I asked, curious. That and I was trying to get Sam out of the bind.

He sent me a grin for it.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Smokin', do people still say that?"

"I don't know."

"I just think it sounds weird. Like come on, when was the last time you heard someone say that about something that wasn't a steak?"

"I don't- just forget it."

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