I Remember A Shadow

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Our next case brought us to Chicago. Two people had died- one banker, one waistees. The only connection? Both had come from Lawrence, Kansas. They'd died from removal of the heart-generally lethal, that.

Plus the arrival of the much hated Meg Masters, things were bad.

At those revelations, Dean opted to call John.

Now- I hate John Winchester.

That's it.

Nothing more there.

I hate John Winchester like a fish needs water.

He was a man that deserved the fate in Hell he was given.


We tried to take down Meg. It went poorly. Like, really poorly. The boys had only just learned she was a traitorous bitch. It hadn't been fun for anyone.

We walked toward our motel room. The boys had taken this trap hard. I couldn't give less of a care.

"Why didn't you just leave that stuff in the car?" Dean asked his brother, in a tuff.

Sam carried a bag of their anti-demon weapons. "I said it before, and I'll say it again- better safe than sorry."

"What's the worst he could do, drop it on you?" I countered.

Dean huffed. He turned to the motel door, unlocking it. The boys walked inside. I stood by the door frame.

There was the outline of a man from by window.

"Hey!" Dean threatened. Sam flocked oj the light, revealing the bastard.


"Hey, boys." John greeted. He looked my way. My face was blank.

Dean went up to John. Behind me, the door closed. Sam watched the hug, hesitant and adrift for what to do.

The hug ended with claps to the back. John turned our way. He focused on Sam. "Hi, Sam."

"Hey, Dad." Sam lowered the bag of weapons.

Ignoring any attempt from John at communication, I turned towards the door.

"Millie." John spoke. Something like heartbreak drizzling over the word.

My reply was a simple "Donor."

John did good to hide any pain the comment caused him. He gave a quick nod to me instead.

The boys were less okay.

"Raven come on." Dean scolded. "He's our dad."

"Your dad. I don't see any father of mine here."

"Dean it's alright." John stepped in. John looked to me again, giving me an understanding look again. "To her, I'm an awful father. I never searched-"

"Put it up your ass." I warned. No way was John putting any guilt for his shitty parenting on me. I didn't ask to be a Winchester, he couldn't put that on me. "You knew tonight was a trap, that warehouse."

John hesitated before nodding. "I thought it might've been."

"Were you there?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." John answered. He moved towards the son he constantly under appreciated. "I got there just in time to see the girl take the swan dive. She was the bad guy, right?"

"Yes, sir." The boys answered.

"Yeah." From me.

"Good." John replied. "Well, it doesn't surprise me. It's tried to stop me before."

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