Bloody Mary

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I'd had another nightmare last night.

Or so I found out, snapping upright in the back of Baby as Dean shouted for us to wake up.

As I was upright I thought about the dream. It had been something about the Bloody Mary...but also it was about my sister. She'd been in Purgatory, not Hell. She was running from something...something dark. A demon? Something else that worked in shadows?

"I take it I was having a nightmare." Sam remarked.

"Yeah, both of you." Dean looked over his shoulder to me.

"Shut up." I complained. Pulling myself up, I narrowed my eyes towards the building. Anything was better than thinking about that dream...or my sister...or anything relating the two things. Thinking about Darcy hurt...there were better things to do with my time than think about where she was now.

"Hey, at least we got some sleep." Sam pointed out.

Which was true, as the older Winchester hadn't been sleeping much. He kept himself up either to watch us have nightmares- keep a check so that we'd be woken up otherwise-, or he was driving all night to our next locations. Sometimes he'd sleep if we managed to get a hotel room for a night- but then he was up worrying about Sam again.

With good reason, mind you. Despite all of this I was the only one of the three of us that knew why Sam was having those nightmares. They could have been an effect of the tragedy, yes, but at the rate these were going that became less likely. Now it was a result of his demon powers rising up.

Mine? It was fair to say the same thing. This wasn't my first time gifted with psychic dreams. The feel of them was very familiar in dream form. The only difference is that I could tell they were influenced by something demonic in nature.

Which just meant that the person I was living in was one of the demon children. Whoopie, just perfect. Why couldn't any records exist of this woman? Had she done that good a job erasing herself from everything? Raven Quinzel, couldn't you have left yourself just a hint?

"You know, sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this." Dean told us.

"I choose later." I voted, climbing towards my door. Like, Season 2. Can we settle for season 2?

"Are we here?" Sam asked.

"Yup. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio." Dean stated.

Sam picked up the newspaper. I leaned over his shoulder to read it, my eyes still blearily from sleep. "So what do you think really happened to this guy?"

Dean shrugged. "That's what we're gonna find out. Let's go."

We all climbed out of the car.


As we walked towards the morgue, I watched the doors with some trepidation. Not only was I nervous about the whole lie. Mostly because I myself had been a mortician once- and I had been territorial over the bodies. I'd refused to let others in to see the body unless they were related to the victim or my boss.

Which led to the conversation I had with the Winchesters, just before we walked inside.

"I have an idea how to get in." I told them.

Dean paused in his step, Sam following after him. "Alright. What's the angle?"

My eyes darted to the door. "You guys hide over there. I'll go in, then I'll tell you." Now- Sam looked ready to go along with it. It could've been because he knew I was a genius, or because he was too tired to properly argue. Dean wanted to argue. "Trust me, it'll work."

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