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as the black haired little boy walked into his new school, with his mom by his side, his anxiety slowly appears; making him scared. josh was scared to go to school, after his last school he never wanted to go to school again.

at the old school they teased him. they pushed him. they did anything they could to damage his self-esteem. now all his self-esteem is gone. every last drop. he barely had confidence as it was. now he's always unsteady. always will just be a little unsteady.

his mom flipped of course when she found out. the small 9 year old came home crying one day, his mother immediately alert and concerned. he ran in the house, leaving the door open and running into his mothers arms. she wrapped him in a comfort, only a mother could give and asked what was wrong, praying to god he would tell the truth this time.

she's noticed he's been looking a little down lately, but whenever she asks what's wrong, she always got the same repetitive answer.

"nothing. I'm fine."

what he really meant was help me. save me. save me from them.

he kept a journal around that time, the only thing he wrote in his journal was "I'm fine"

his mother goes with him to the office, to retrieve his room number. she holds his hand walking in, and he grips tightly, his nerves growing stronger as it's time for him to get to class.

"okay honey, you need to let go. i have to leave, you're gonna be fine here. okay sweetie?" josh's mother says, letting go of his hand as they leave the office.

'fine.' josh thinks. 'is it gonna be fine like I'm fine?' he thinks to himself.

"i-i d-dont wa-want t-to" the 12 year stutters. his mother gazes at him with sympathy, concern, but also certainty floating in her brown eyes.

"you're going to be much happier here. I can feel it. this is will be your best year yet." she beams brightly, looking at him reassuringly.

he sighs, giving in. he mutters a quick okay, kisses his mom goodbye and sets off to find his class.

finally finding his classroom, he sighs and takes two deep breaths before walking in. 'here we go' he thinks.

"Hello there, you must be the new student. Joshua Dun right?" a tan skinned man asks, sitting on a blue chair in front on the class, legs crossed.

"y-yea," he quickly says, looking down and feeling insecure from all the stares.

"it's okay, just go sit by tyler over there," he says, pointing to a small brunette boy sitting in the back, with a small smile on his face.

josh blushes and quickly walks over there, avoiding everyone's eyes. he sits down quietly and faces the teacher.

tyler stares at the new boy. 'he's pretty' tyler thinks. tyler wants to say hi, so the small brunette does so.

"hi," tyler says quietly enough for josh to hear him, but low enough for the teacher not to. josh looks over at the boy strangely. why was he talking to him? no one wants to talk to him.

despite josh's mind he smiles and mumbles a small 'hey' back, while blushing immensely.

tyler smiles at him, "wanna be friends?" josh looks taken back, why would anyone want to be his friend? he's ugly, stupid, and fat. his heart beat picks up, and he holds back tears.

tyler's smile quickly fades, as he sees tears brimming in josh's eyes. he panics, not knowing what to do. what did he do wrong? he just asked to be his friend?

"w-what's wrong josh?" tyler asks, concern in his eyes.

"n-nothing, i'm fine" josh responds. he knows it isn't true though.

"i-im sorry if I made you cry by asking to be frens. you looked really p-pretty and nice s-so I wanted to b-be frens." tyler says, looking at josh, with cheeks hot and dark pink. he then looks down when josh blushes and looks away.

"i do wanna be your fren tyler, I don't have any....," josh responds, avoiding tyler's wide eyes. "your really p-pretty t-too by the way" he adds.

tyler blushes beet red and giggles loudly, drawing attention to him and josh. the teacher looks at them sternly before going back to talking about his rules and whatnot.

"s-so we're frens?" tyler asks quieter, looking hopefully at josh. josh nods.

"yay!," he cheers quietly "i find it hard to believe you don't have frens. i mean, your just so cool and pretty. just like your eyes" tyler says blushing and smiling brightly.

josh blushes harded than ever before. josh is still taken back at tyler's sincere voice. he sounded so...sincere.

"i-im not really pretty. nor or my eyes" josh says quietly, looking down.

tyler gasps. completely shocked at how such a beautiful human, could dare say those words.

"how could you say that? your absolutely gorgeous! and if you don't believe so, when i'm older, I'll take you on a ride and make you believe how lovely you are! till then, I'll tell you everyday, cause now we're best frens!" tyler says. josh blushes even more, if that's possible.

he sighs quietly, "o-ok" he mutters, looking at tyler.

josh went home that day with a smile on his face. and it stayed like that all day. at night he slept peacefully with a smile on his face.

tyler smiled for the rest of the day, even when he got home, and in his bed room that night, he vowed to always tell josh how beautiful he was everyday.

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