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i ran as fast as I could to escape. they eventually caught up with me, and pushed me on the ground, successfully bruising my knee. i groaned out of pain and clutched my knee.

"get up stupid!" one said.

I stayed there, lying on the ground, too hurt to even move. "get your fat ass up!" he said and kicked the ground next to me, frightening me to no end.

i cried, why am i so ugly? why doesn't anyone like me? why can't i lose weight? i just want to be loved.....

josh wakes up in a cold sweat. he could tell today would be a bad day, nothing cheers him up after his nightmares. he rarely has them but, they existent nonetheless.

he slowly climbs put of bed looking at his alarm clock that was due in 5 minutes. josh just decided to get dressed anyway.


josh's mom drops him off at school, before pulling off and heading to work. josh sighs, and slowly walks into school. he's feeling really sad right now and doesn't feel like having class.

josh goes to the bathroom, and sits on the floor behind the door. he sits there and thinks. he just thinks. he thinks about the bully, and how he called him stupid. how he teased him and called him fat and hurt him.

without noticing josh cries, his salty tears fall from his brown eyes and reaches his chin. he wipes it away when it starts to itch his chin.

the door suddenly opens and tyler walks in, going straight to the urine hole( I can't think of what's its called rn) before a piece of metal from the door grabs on to his shirt. holding on to him for dear life.

tyler struggles to get free. he twists and turns, seeing josh in the progress. tyler suddenly stops and looks at josh. he smiles and waves hey. he walks just a few inches over to him, and the metal releases him.

josh smiles back with tear stained cheeks. tyler notices and asks josh "what's wrong jishwa?", in the most adorable voice josh ever heard, while sitting criss cross apple sauce next to him.

josh blushes at the nickname and shakes his head. "nothing's wrong" he answers, looking into his now, best frens eyes.

"i know there's something wrong jishwa, but i'll leave it alone." tyler responds, scooting closer to the other boy, laying his head on his shoulder.

josh lays his head on tyler's and let's out a breath. tyler suddenly moves, almost causing josh to fall.

tyler catches him quickly. "s-sorry. I just wanted to hug you, because you smell good. your so pretty and warm." tyler whispers, holding his small arms out to hug his best fren.

josh, of course blushes wildly and let's tyler embrace him. both boys snuggle into each other. tyler pulls back just a little to stare into josh's eyes. usually this would make josh uncomfortable, but he likes when tyler does it.

tyler kisses josh's cheek. josh blushes immensely, looking down at the white tiled floor.

josh liked that. he liked that a lot. he looks back at tyler, to see him staring intently at him, and he speaks. "i-i r-really l-liked that" josh stutters, blushing uncontrollably.

"do you want me to kiss you again?" tyler asks shyly, blushing just as much as josh was. josh nods, while feeling his hot cheeks. he lets go when tyler gently grabs his face and kisses him.

not on the cheek though.

on the lips.

to say that josh was surprised was an understatement. he loved the way the kiss felt. he felt butterflies in his stomach. he didn't know what it was but he loved the feeling.

"I feel butterflies in my stomach" he told tyler. tyler smiles brightly. "I d-do too. I love it though, I wanna do it more" he replies shyly, looking at the white tiled floor from the hole in between his legs.

"d-do it then." josh says confidently, yet still blushing. they're both smiling so hard, they're jaws hurt. tyler grabs his face again and kisses him firmly this time.

josh shifts, causing his mouth to part over tyler's. he didn't know what he was doing and if he should do that, yet, it felt right and it felt good.

tyler grabs josh's neck, pulling him against him more firmly. josh squeaks in surprise but kisses back.

they both pull back for air. "t-that-", what was that?" josh says.

"i don't know but, it felt really nice. I saw my mama do it to my dad when he has a bad day at work." tyler replies.

"oh" is all josh says.

"shouldn't we get to class?" tyler asks, standing up, holding out his hand for josh to grab. josh grabs it standing up with tyler.

"y-yea we should. let's go"

they both walk out, happy as can be. I guess something did cheer josh up.

okay smol cabbages

by smol cabbages.

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