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*at the karaoke bar*

tyler and josh arrive at the bar and tyler goes straight to the person in front of the stage and requests to sing something, he points to josh and the man smiles and nods, tyler hands him something and the man leaves.

the man goes behind stage and soon a tune is filled in the air, the lyrics pop up on a small screen a few feet to the right of tyler, and he taps his foot to the beat.

the man comes back out with a phone that seemed simliar to tyler's and staring recording the whole thing.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed in my neck" tyler sings, closing his eyes and remembering all the memories of them laying together, platonically or not.

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no

My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed in my neck

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

And with this feeling I'll forget

"I'm in love now," tyler sings, looking at josh right in the eye. josh has tears in his eyes and he slowly wipes them away.

tyler sings slowly and continues singing, swaying his hips slightly side to side.(I stg, don't.)

soon, the song fades out and the room erupts loudly in cheers and claps and tyler shushes them to say something.

"that song was dedicated to josh dun, the one in the back. he's the gorgeous one with flawless black hair and that adorably perfect face." tyler announces and the crowd "awes" while looking at josh like he was the luckiest person ever.

"josh william dun, may you please make me so incredibly happy and be my boyfriend?" tyler asks, focusing all his attention on one person.


josh nods wildly and runs up on stage, he kisses tyler, not caring who's there and who's around.

he kisses him feverishly and madly. he kisses him deeply and fully. he kisses him like there's no tomorrow, like this is the last time he will ever see him.

they both hear whistles and cheering in the background but for the most part; is was blocked out.

"yes, yes, yes, yes, a million times yes." josh cries, hugging tyler tightly in his arms.

tyler hugs josh and sighs happily, like everything was right in the world now. he finally and the boy of his dreams, the boy that haunted his dreams and thoughts everyday.

"come on, let's get you cleaned up then we can sing some songs. sound good?" tyler asks, walking them off stage.

a boy with a big forehead walks up to them, "dude, that was awesome. you guys are adorable. would you like to sing with me next?" he asks.

tyler smiles, "yea, that sounds nice. I have to get him cleaned up and maybe our friends can join?"
the boy laughs, "sure, my names brendon by the way."

"tyler, and this is josh." tyler says walking away after brendon's reply.

the go the bathroom and clean up and come back out to find alissa, zaayn, tyler, and troye waiting for them at table in the back.

the duo walks to them, to find them conversing. they forgot that they don't know eachother. guess now they do.

"hey guys. guess what?"

the group responds with a "what". "we're all gonna be singing on stage, with someone i met today. his name's brendon." tyler says sitting down.

zaayn and alissa groan, and everyone just looks at them with raised brows.

" we don't sing." zaayn explains, and tyler shrugs, "you are now, i already signed you guys up."

they groan more and the blonde tyler speaks up, "cmon on, it won't be too bad. this queen can't sing at all, but my ass is here to have fun." he says, and flips his imaginary hair.

everyone laughs, and zaayn shrugs, "if you're okay with having your ears bleed than that's okay", zaayn says just before brendon comes over.

"hey, i'm brendon, i'm sure tyler's told you guys already. we're gonna sing together! yay!....anyway...what song do you guys want to sing?"

everyone looks around at eachother, waiting for the other to say something. after a minute of staring they all shrug, "i don't know"

brendon shrugs, "me either. let's just think about it. after we got our song we'll pick what costumes we want, there's a lot stuff to wear in the tote up there on stage." he says, and everyone looks up yo see what he's talking about.

hi ppl. what song should I pick to have them sing?

idk, so I'm asking you.

anyway, how are you?

good? fine? not okay?

good luck frens. stay alive.

don't drink. stay in school.


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