Chapter 1 - Welcome to Overwatch!

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"I suppose the trouble doesn't end with just the Omnic war, look at the eyes they are different. They look different from Zenyatta and Mandatta, the two peace lovers. The eyes are shaped like T's and are red not blue." He replied.

My blood froze, only one company I knew had the logo T and wanted to rein chaos over the world. "Let me look at them."

"Calm down everyone, everything is fine." Pedestrians had started to gather around them, whispering things about Overwatch as Mercy tried to draw the attention away from them.

"Uh oh." I remembered instantly that any activities of Overwatch was banned.

"We need to get out of here." Soldier 76 growled.

"Hey! You're Overwatch aren't you? Aren't you all supposed to be dead?" A man yelled.

I tensed as a rich business man also called out. "And her!" He pointed at me. "What is she doing here? She tried to kill my wife a few years ago!"

With my shot knee healed by Mercy's healing stream, I stood up. "That was three years ago, get over it. I'm different now, the shadow that defeats the thugs and thieves of your city? That's me. So basically, I've been the one saving your precious money and valuables."

"You go love!" Tracer whispered.

Suddenly a blue portal appeared beside us. "Symmetra got my message! Let's go!" Soldier 76 ushered us through the portal which opened up to a big grey room filled with different people wearing a lot of different things.



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Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Tracer, Bastion
Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, D.Va, Reihardt
Roadhog, Winston, Zarya, Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra, Zenyatta

Kay back to the story

"Thanks Symmetra!" Tracer chirped.

Mercy immediately flew over to a man wearing green and a floating, cross-legged robot.

"You are most welcome." Symmetra nodded as she closed the portal.

"Night, just welcome yourself to the group. They will probably welcome you." Soldier 76 growled at me before walking away to where Mercy and Symmetra were.

"Um..." I stood there awkwardly, as everyone ignored me.

I kept my eyes to the ground as Tracer came to me.

"How are you love?"

"Fine, fine." I faked a bright smile.

"That's wonderful! I'm going to show you where your room is alright?" Tracer zipped away, leaving me to leap after her.

She led me down the stairs below the ramp that went up to the pilot's area. Tracer turned left through a corridor. "This is the girls' hallway, the right is the guys! We are each with pairs! Mei is with D.Va, Pharah is with Zarya, Symmetra is with Mercy and you're with me!" She went down past four other doors. She opened the door.

Both sides were identical! Beside the door were closets, then a dresser, after that a simple desk, chair and bookshelf above. Then simple beds with a window at the end. Tracer's side of the room was decorated with picture frames of Overwatch and things. She was quite a cheerful person.

By the end of the day, I had decorated my room with black and deep blue. The closet was black with blue borders, the dresser was the same whilst my desk area was different. The bookshelf was filled so I'd had to fill the edge of my desk beneath the bookshelf with books. My laptop and phone charger lay there along with my laptop, and lamp. There were three drawers on each side. The bottom two lay unfilled but the top two of each side were filled up. To my left top drawer held all the things I needed to get ready in the morning including hairties, brush etc. The second drawer held girl necessities the other two on the other side were locked drawers. In there I put pictures of my happy times with Talon before I found out they were bad. I locked them tight so no one would ever find out I'd had them. My blanket (or duvet) was black on top and blue underneath with blue sheets and black and blue pillows dotting the top. It was very comfortable.

"Night! It's time for dinner!" Tracer poked her head through the door.

I nodded as I followed her, worrying about what everyone will think of me. As I chose salmon steak with rice and vegetables I could feel everyone's eyes on me, looking at what I chose to eat and where I would sit. Every seat was taken! There were six tables. On the first table sat McCree, Junkrat, Roadhog, and Reinhardt. On table two sat Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra and Zenyatta. At table 3 sat Genji, Hanzo, Torbjorn, and Soldier 76. On the fourth table sat Zarya and Pharah. At the fifth table sat Tracer, Winston, D.Va and Mei! On the last table sat Bastion but he didn't seem to mind being by himself. He was examining a bird again as it built it's nest on his shoulder.

I nervously walked past the tables, the people at the first table were whispering as they stared at me. The healers on table two took no notice, only a quick once-over to check I wasn't injured. Table three and one seemed to be the ones that would cause me the most trouble. They were all looking at me and whispering. The people with Tracer didn't notice me, only turned to say hi. I decided to sit next to Bastion, he didn't seem to mind, which was good. I gobbled my food down as fast as I could before walking quickly to my room. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself but I did.

"Hey, you there!" McCree called out.

Stupidly, I stopped and turned.

"Who are you? I saw you at high noon, I assume you must be a new recruit."

I took a deep breath to soothe myself. "Yes, I'm a new recruit."

"Aren't you the person that worked for Talon?" Torbjorn called out.

"I've changed, I'm not that person I was then." The teachings of acting cold came back to me, I was getting better at it every day.

"So you admit it! You tried to kill Madam Volskaya!" Zarya glared at me.

I was shaking, but I didn't let them see it. Instead, I lifted my chin defiantly. "That was three years ago, get over it!"

The room suddenly erupted in noise, Zarya and Torbjorn were yelling at me.

"You could've killed Madam Volskaya!"

"Do you know how much it cost to repair those turrets you shut down?"

McCree and Junkrat were laughing along with Roadhog. Mercy and Tracer came over to defend me but their defiance was drowned out. Genji and Hanzo weren't saying anything, just sitting there looking at everything thoughtfully. Whilst D.Va and Mei looked shocked, everyone else didn't know what to do! I knew how to get myself out of this.

"Be prepared for the dark guys." I muttered to Mercy and Tracer before reaching over to the fuse box.

They nodded as I ripped it open and pulled the main light wire. Everything turned dark, only I could see in the dark, I quickly crept around the corner and ran back to my room, locking the door behind me.

Blap Blep Blip Blop Blup #quotesoftheday



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