Chapter 12 - Attack

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I crept behind a crate with Isla, Mercy and Soldier 76 beside me. I could see Pharah, Ana, D.Va and Roadhog all flying and landing on the roof of the hanger whilst Junkrat, Genji and Symmetra were going to attack from the other side of the base entrance courtyard. They were hiding behind a crate as well, waiting for Soldier 76's signal. 

"Are there a lot of people in the hangers Ana?" Mercy asked.

"No, only a few workers. Most are in the corridors." Ana replied.

"Remember to push the red button once you get in that's on the side of the hanger entrance. That'll close all of the doors to and from the hanger, including the main doors that the planes fly out of." I whispered quickly.

"Understood." Pharah murmured.

"In 3, 2, 1 go!" Soldier 76 ran forward and I could hear bangs as Pharah set off her explosions. 

Suddenly I could see red lights flashing from the hanger. "They pushed the button!" Was all I had time to exclaim before I was pushed to the side by a Talon operative running away.

"Aren't you supposed to be strong Talon soldiers?" I asked as I grabbed him by the back of his shirt, throwing him down. "What do we do to them?" I called.

"Stun them!" Soldier 76 kneed a man in the face, causing him to go unconscious.

"This won't take long." I told the man, before punching him in the side of the head.

I quickly disarmed him, and went on to the others. They'd been getting ready for the attack on our base, clearly with the ready guns. Junkrat aimed and fired his explosives, scattering them away from the entrance. Symmetra quickly set up two turrets at the entrance, before rushing to avoid Talon fire from inside. Genji dashed forward, bring his blade up to block the bullets, sending them ricocheting back and hitting them. Isla had quickly climbed to the roof with the help of Mercy, head shooting anyone who came through the entrance and taking care of the others. Soldier 76 and Mercy barged through the soldiers, Soldier 76 shooting as Mercy healed him. I ran around the battle, picking off different soldiers. I grabbed a man from the back of his shirt and kicked him in the head, quickly disarming him and throwing him to the floor. There was soon a line of unconscious men, waiting to be captured.

"Go in first, we'll be right behind you. Night needs to lead us to the hacked Omnics." Symmetra gestured.

"I hope you can all run fast." I told Soldier 76, Mercy and Isla.

"Of course we can!" Isla replied, reloading her gun.

"Let's go." I ran forward, a map of the base flooding in to my head. 

We were a corner away which led to a corridor that led to a circular room that had another corridor that led to the destination when we turned the corner and I saw the three people I really didn't want to see.

"Reaper? Sombra? Widowmaker? What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"Doing our job." Widowmaker replied, readying her sniper rifle.

"Good luck with completing it." Was all I had time to say before Soldier 76 and Isla launched themselves at Sombra and Widowmaker.

Which left Reaper to me. "Thanks guys." I muttered before crouching down, sweeping my leg to trip him up.

He dodged to the side, pulling his large guns out. He started firing at me, but I had the sense to get away so that we could fight long ranged. It didn't work out, he got me a few times in my right thigh and left calf, leaving me stumbling in pain. I realised that I had to take my chance when he tried to reload. I got it a few moments later as Reaper (who had been called back to help Sombra or Widowmaker) came back. Reaper threw his guns to the floor and before he had the chance to take more out I leaped at him, causing him to resort to hand-to-hand combat. With a lot of elbowing, kicking, and kneeing I managed to push him to the floor. I took my gun out, holding it to his head, ready to shoot if he moved his hands.

"We could have avoided all of this, but you had to leave and join them." Reaper growled.

"You gave me no other choice, I know who I love now and that's not you. Either I live a life on the run with you or I help the people I love. I'm sorry, can't we just stay neutral? We didn't have to have this dramaticness." I sighed.

Reaper was saved from replying when Mercy flew around the corner. "Right beside you!" Her healing stream came out. She suddenly saw Reaper. "W-W-What happened to you?!"

"You tell me, Doc." He replied.

"This is not what I intended for you, Reyes."

"You knew exactly what you were doing." Reaper growled.

"I need to ask you a question, you can save the greetings for later." I interrupted them. "Are there any more Omnic factories making these hacked Omnics?"

"They don't have Sombra, they can't hack them. So no." He flopped down, lying down as if he had given up.

"He could be lying." Mercy warned.

"He's not, he wouldn't lie to me. Not after all we've been through. Thank you and goodbye Reyes. It was nice to see you again." I stood up, and walked back.

Sombra had been knocked out as well as Widowmaker. Soldier 76 was inside busy shooting everything whilst Junkrat threw out explosives, he threw down a mine and we ran out to the hanger, feeling the shake of the explosion. The mission was done, it was a success. But something was still missing. Where had Isla gone? 

I ran back, looking for her. I suddenly saw a shape in the rubble. Could it be her? No, it couldn't be her. It was too pale, the eyes too sunken. Yet, I had to admit, that it was her. The clothes and gun was the same, but her body wasn't! It was thin, and sunken. Her hair was thin and lifeless, turning white and grey.

"Her life cells have been consumed." Mercy came over, checking on her.

"Who would do this?" I whispered, my eyes blurring.

"Only one person, who would want to hurt you as much as you did to him." Mercy replied.

"Reaper? But... how could he? He promised that he'd never hurt me... but then Reaper did say that he wanted revenge and all that." The tears started falling, coming faster and harder.

I was soon knelt over Isla's body, crying waterfalls. Genji was the first to rush over to comfort me as D.Va followed. 

"We must leave the area, before reinforcements from other bases come. Reaper, Sombra and Widowmaker have escaped in this fuss. But they won't come back anytime soon, we gave them a good beating they won't forget." Soldier 76 said.

"Night, you must stay strong. I once failed to protect the ones I loved, but that has made me to never stop fighting again. You must stay strong, even though the scar never fully heals, leaving a gap in your heart. Come with me." Ana put her hand on my shoulder, getting me to get up. 

Genji followed with his arm around me, comforting me as I cried in to his hard shoulder. "How do you want to bury Isla?" He asked.

"She loved  rainbows, and sunsets. Let's put her in a place where she can watch the never ending Gibralter sunset." I replied, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

Hey guys! The next chapter will be the last, and I'm not sure if I should do another story? I'll probably take a little break from writing this for now after the last chapter. I hope you've liked this so far! Goodbye!

 I hope you've liked this so far! Goodbye!

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