Chapter 11 - Escape and Attack Plan!

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A few days later, and my strength had returned. It was time to escape. As a staff member delivered my food I turned invisible and sneaked past him, heading for the hanger. I suddenly heard rattles, I quickly hid behind a pillar and poked my head around the corner. I saw a rattling cart filled with robot parts with a man pushing it.

"Yeah we need these manufactured by Tuesday. Overwatch has beaten most of them..." I heard him say in to his earpiece before he turned a corner.

I quickly followed him, carefully keeping invisible. He entered a room that was filled with robots making the Omnics that were attacking Overwatch. I froze in horror as I walked through, I saw them putting it together and putting their logo on. They were trying to start another Omnic war! 

I whisked around the corner, jumping out of an open window on to the platforms outside. That's when the alarm started. I hurried towards a jet, sprinting towards it like a whole pack of wolves were behind me. As I as about to get in one I bumped in to Reaper, making me fall on to the floor and become visible. 

"Reaper!" I gasped.

"Night, what are you doing out of your cell? You're safe in there!" Reaper growled.

"I don't want to be trapped in there, I need to be free. I need to go back." I lifted my chin defiantly.

"No you don't, Talon is going to launch an attack on the Overwatch base tomorrow and I don't want you to be part of it." He guided me towards the entrance.

"No! What did I say about our relationship? Why can't we just forget about each other?" I pushed against him.

"I can't forget about you, no matter how much I try. You've stolen my heart Night, and I can't take it back." Reaper held me by the shoulders.

"If you want me to be safe then call off the attack on Overwatch!" I retorted.

"You know the leader of Talon won't listen to me, I'm just part of the attack team. I do the dirty work." He protested.

"Let me go! I can't stay here! You're going to get both of us killed!" I struggled, remembering how ruthless the Talon soldiers were.

"I'll leave you, but I won't stop loving you. I won't attack you and I won't hurt you. Goodbye Night." I felt him teleport away.

"Wait! They'll think you ran! You need to pretend to be beaten!" I held on, stopping him.

"Fine." Reaper grumbled.

I saw the doors start to open.

"The engines and shields are ready for you in the jet I just left." He murmured before the soldiers came through.

I grabbed his arm, pushing him to the ground and twisting it behind his back. I heard him grunt in pain, but he knew this was what we had to do if he didn't want to be permanently dead. I kicked him to the floor right before the Talon soldiers fired at me. 

I rolled and ran towards the jet, slipping in to the chair and starting it up. The doors closed quickly and I was carried swiftly away. I looked back once to see Reaper longingly looking after me, I turned my head away and made my way to Gibralter.


I landed the jet and jumped out, sprinting towards the base. I entered the base, interrupting the dinner that was going on. I saw that Isla and Genji were sitting with their heads down, eating slowly. I burst in to the room, causing everyone to look and turn their heads.

"Raven!" Isla and Genji jumped up first, running towards me.

D.Va, Mei and Tracer were next. They surrounded me, pulling me in to a hug.

"I thought you'd never come back!" Genji hugged me tight.

"I escaped! And I have information about the hacked Omnics." My face turned serious.

I was led by Mercy to a square room that held a desk that projected a map of the Talon base and Overwatch base including the area around them. Soldier 76 and Ana looked up as I walked in with Mercy, Isla and Genji. 

"What do you have to tell us?" Soldier 76 asked.

"Talon are the ones making and capturing Omnics, hacking them so that they attack us. They're trying to start another Omnic War." I quickly explained. "I found a room filled with machines making Omnics. We need to destroy them."

We quickly formed a battle plan, the plan was to get the teams of Attack and get them to attack and overrun the base along with the Tanks and Support teams. The Defense team would stay and defend Gibralter, making sure that Talon didn't attack and take our base. 

Then a small team with me and Isla would go and destroy the room with the Omnics once and for all. I told Ana that they were planning on attacking the next day, so they scheduled this attack for that night. We trained, honing our skills till we were fluent. 

I silently crept through a map with Genji above me, running through the alleyways. Isla and Ana were positioning themselves in sniper spots as Soldier 76 and Tracer ran to the point we were supposed to capture. Lucio and Symmetra followed, with Roadhog. The enemy AI team turned the corner, I leaped at them whilst yelling in to my earpiece.

"We need backup!" 

The match ended with us winning and a few scrapes and scratches. We were ready, Soldier 76 and Ana gave us a bit of time to get ready before we left. I sharpened my claws, leaving the piece of wood I used in shreds. I readied my pistol and tied my hair up in to a high ponytail. I stretched as Isla got her bullets ready. 

We all met near the exit as Soldier 76 announced the teams staying and the teams going.

"Mei, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Bastion, Zarya, Zenyatta, McCree, Tracer, Winston, and Lucio are staying here as the Defense team. The rest come with me to organise groups." Ana announced, beckoning to the rest of us as Soldier 76 explained the organisation of who was defending which entrance.

"We will have three groups, one in the hanger, one in the corridors and one to infiltrate the room. Pharah, me, D.Va and Roadhog are in the hanger. Junkrat, Genji, and Symmetra in the corridors. Night, Isla, Mercy and Soldier 76 are infiltrating and destroying the Omnics. They are to come and help us once finished. Is that clear?" Ana pierced our eyes with her sharp gaze.

We all nodded, and walked in to the plane that was to take us to the Talon base.

This story is nearly to the end! It was really fun writing this! I hope you like the last few chapters! Bye!

This story is nearly to the end! It was really fun writing this! I hope you like the last few chapters! Bye!

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