Chapter 2

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They are all quiet in the car during the journey that Marcel drives home, Harry seated next to him and Edward in the back, a sleeping Louis in his arms. Usually Edward is the one who drives, but the moment Harry tried to take Louis from Edward, he had whimpered and clutched tighter on the Alpha's shirt, curling his body into a ball and burrowing his face farther into the crevice of Edward's neck.

That left them with no choice so Edward had silently got into the back seat and they were on their way.

The journey is not for too long, though it takes more than a half hour since their house is quite far from town. It's all because of Edward who treasures privacy like no other. Harry and Marcel are always so fond of their brother anyway, so none of them cares as long as Edward is happy.

Despite the short journey, it feels like they are travelling longer because of the tensed silence filling the car. It gets them slightly suffocating but none makes the move to say anything.

Louis doesn't loosen his hold on Edward, still clutching the front of his shirt while he sleeps.

When they approach the tall, elegant gate of their compound, all of them silently release a breath. Marcel doesn't waste any time to drive past the entrance and park in their garage.

Harry has already called for Liam the moment they started driving so it is no surprise to see their friend in the living room the moment they walk in.

Liam takes one look at the triplet and quickly jumps onto his feet the moment he notices the Omega in Edward's arms.

"Bring him to the room." The brown eyed Alpha says, not hesitating and spinning on his heels before he is rushing away. He barely spares a backward glance since he knows the triplets won't waste a bit before they're following him.

Once in the room, Liam flips the light switch on and quickly grabs a stethoscope on the counter. Edward quickly but gently places Louis down on the bed, retracting his arms after the Omega is lying down and moving to take a step back. The moment his body warmth leaves Louis, the Omega flinches in his sleep and clings to Edward.

"No." The plead he releases in his sleep sounds so broken yet Edward works to pry off Louis' fingers on his shirt.

"Edward, you don't have to." Marcel says, placing a hand on his brother's arm. He gets no reply, the oldest triplet ignoring what he said and tugging off Louis' hold on him.

The Omega starts crying when he's lying alone, not even noticing the tears in his sleep.

Harry's heart constricts in his chest and he pushes Marcel to the side, quickly standing by the bed and hushing the sleeping man. "Shh, it's okay. We're here." He whispers soothingly, brushing Louis' hair back.

Louis visibly relaxes the moment Harry touches him and his cries subside into whimpers before he's completely quiet.

Harry stays close to his side and shoots Edward a glare, making his brother wince with the icy stare he's got settled on him.

"Um..." Liam interrupts in a reluctant voice, making a start towards the Omega and looking at the triplets as if he's asking their permission. When Edward gives him a nod, he is by Louis' side in no time, standing opposite Harry and checking his heartbeat. Once done and he's sure that there's nothing serious, he puts his stethoscope away and turns to Marcel while he observes the Omega. "What happened?"

The addressed Alpha straightens, taking a step closer to stand near his brother. A hand rises to fix his glasses before he speaks. "He was attacked, but I don't think they managed to do anything. But, we'd," He spares a glance to Edward who gives him an encouraging nod. "We'd like you to check if there's any major damage. We just want to know if he's fine."

So Glad That I Found You (Louis/Styles Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now