Chapter 6

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It's on Friday that Louis receives a text right after he finishes teaching for the day. He's sitting at his table, wanting to relax a little before he has to pack up and go home. That's when his phone vibrates and a message comes up.

Unknown: Hi Lou. Sorry for disturbing you. This is Marcel. I was wondering when you'd be free for our date?

He silently laughs at how formal Marcel's message is. Louis also quietly squeals inside. He stares at the screen, trying to come up with a reply. It takes him a few minutes before he can eventually send the message.

Hi Marcel! I am free on the weekend but Harry's taking me out on Saturday. Maybe we could go on Sunday, if that's okay with you?

As Louis puts his phone down, he turns to look at the mess on his desk and in the class. He sighs, moving on to start clearing them so he could go home for the day and relax in his bed and sleep to dream about three identical, hot men.

Two sharp knocks at his door makes him look up, and he throws the man standing by the entrance a smile. "Hey, Jake."

Jake Henderson teaches the class at the end of the hall. They got to know each other on Louis' first day when Louis accidentally entered the wrong classroom. Later on that day, Jake had brought Louis lunch and then they just have lunch together almost everyday and Jake is one of the people Louis is closest with at the nursery. Since Jake is a mated Alpha, Louis doesn't have a problem being close friends with him. Louis even gets on well with Jake's partner, Thomas, who happens to be an Omega too.

"Done for the day?" Jake asks, entering the classroom and taking a seat on the desk, perching his arse up. Louis pays him no notice as he continues cleaning, wanting to be home soon so he could properly plan his date with Marcel. He also has to think of his attire for his date with Harry tomorrow.

"Yeah. Today is really tiring. Wish I could have a break for a while." Louis stretches to prove his point. "But then I'll miss the kids too much."

"I'm sure the kids would miss you more. They've always been so obsessed with you." Jake says with a snort.

Louis laughs, gathering the scattered files on his desk.

"So, why exactly were you absent on Tuesday?"

"I wasn't well." Louis frowns, stacking his files up and putting them away in the drawer. "Why?"

Jake smiles. "Nothing. Just wondering." He shakes his head. "So, uh, I've got two tickets to a movie this weekend. Would you like to go?"

Louis raises his eyebrows. "Oh? That sounds lovely. But I can't. I'm quite busy this weekend." He informs him, walking around the table to get his class in check. Louis picks up the brushes the kids used. He had fun painting with them today. He even got some paint on his face and probably his hair. Most of it don't make it to paper and instead on himself and the kids. They still had a great time though, and Louis thinks that's what matters.

"Busy? With what? You're always free. Are you going back to Donny?"

"Oh, no. I was thinking to go back, though. I do miss my family. Probably next month or something." Louis waves his hand, straightening a frame on the wall.

Jake looks at him suspiciously. "Why are you busy this weekend?"

"Well, I've got a date." Louis tells him excitedly.

"A date?" Jake's face is a mixture of horror and shock. It irks Louis a little. It's as if Jake thinks he's incapable of getting a date. "With who?"

"This one, lovely Alpha." Louis shrugs, already smiling fondly at the thought of Harry and his clumsy limbs and gorgeous smile. "I can't wait to see him."

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