Chapter 10

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"Fuck, she's going to hate me." Louis groans when they finally arrive into town.

Edward sighs. This is probably the fifth time Louis has said that. He knows that he just keeps saying that for the sake of whining about the whole situation, but he knows Louis is also really worried. "She won't."

"She's a lovely woman, our Mum. And she is already so excited about meeting you. There's no way she would hate you." Marcel assures, rubbing a hand up and down Louis' back.

"Besides, if she does hate you, so what? We can elope and get married in Vegas." Edward shrugs, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.

Louis leans forward, clutching Edward's seat and pointing his index finger at the Alpha in the reflection. His forehead creases and he glowers at Edward. "We, are not getting married in Vegas." He hisses.

Edward chuckles at receiving such reaction. "Of course. You deserve a spring wedding in Italy, don't you?"

Louis leans back in his seat and harrumphs. "You bet your arse, I do." He says, crossing his arms. Only then he notices that Harry and Marcel are staring at him and Edward, their eyes shifting back and forth with their mouths parted open.

The Omega is confused for a moment until he realises that he and Edward have just discussed the possibility of them getting married. Not that it's impossible, but that thought is too scary for them to even think of since they're still progressing through baby steps with their relationship. With that in mind, his face heats up so fast and Louis quickly turns away, unable to look at them in the eye.

The ride is silent after that. But Louis' mind isn't. He keeps internally screaming about the conversation he just had with Edward and how nervous he is about meeting their Mum. All his attempts to let his thoughts drift away to something else are to no avail.

He feels like he's going to pass out.

A body presses against him, and Louis is really glad for it. He is just about to melt into the leather. "Hey, you okay?" Marcel asks, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He must have noticed that Louis isn't looking well.

Louis leans into him. "Just nervous."

"It'd be fine." Marcel presses his lips to Louis' forehead. "I came out okay. I think you would do better."

Louis sighs, his heart hammering in his chest regardless of Marcel's attempt to help him relax. He opts to watch the view outside instead, hoping it'd take his mind off the intruding thoughts and allow him to calm. As they drive past the stores, Louis' eyes catch something and he perks up, staring out of the window.

"What is it?" Marcel questions when he notices Louis' sudden interest.

"Can we get ice cream, please?" He begs even though it's only his first time asking for that.

He watches Edward and Harry share a look before the former's eyes are locking with Louis' through the mirror again. "Sure."

Louis waits patiently while Edward turns around and finds them a parking spot. It takes quite some time since it's a Saturday but they eventually find one.

All of them wait until the engine has been cut off before they're unbuckling their seat belts and then Louis is throwing himself out of the door. The fresh air helps him a little and he exhales, bending over with his hands clutching his knees. He hopes he won't be this anxious when he's finally meeting the triplets' Mum.

"You're that nervous, huh?" Edward mutters as he exits the vehicle and fixes his shirt.

Louis ignores him, focusing on his breathing. It's not like he's never met a parent before. He has done it multiple times and he should've been used to it by now. And now he truly understands what Marcel felt. He doesn't want to fuck anything up. God, he'd never forgive himself if he does anything wrong and ruin this chance.

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